I'm buying this Gretsch baritone guitar for $450. It makes sense for the drone aspect of what I do. Since I can't play for dick I rely on the "growl hiss" quite frequently. Hey, it also looks a little like Billy Zoom's axe minus the fancy glitter paint. And who doesn't think Billy Zoom is tubular? Y'all are some X-heads right?
Moved a majority of my gear into the practice space tonight. Downtown Toledo is a trip. All of the fugliness of a major city minus the arts. Hey, if you're a bum and you need spare change....DO NOT LIE ABOUT IT! Just come straight out with, "LOOK MAN, I NEED TO GET FUCKED UP AND GET A CHEESEBURGER CAN YOU SPARE SOME SCRATCH FOR AN OLD TIMER?". I'm going to hand you some bills at that point. Do not come up to me and say you've seen me playing at Cornerstone Church and then ask me to help a fellow parishoner. You're jivin' me, chief. So I just lie right back.
"Bro, our shit got jacked out of our practice space and we've got all of our bread tied up in replacing all of it"
Then he gets all pissed off and says "Man, you don't have to LIE". What a fucking ass-clown. Mothefuckers WORK for that spare scratch in DETROIT or NEW YORK. They'll sing a song or paint a picture for some money. Toledo bums just aren't trying hard enough. I think this city WILL NOT move ahead unless the homeless class gets a little more pizazz in their technique. Once that happens, there will be a city wide renaissance. Belive you me!
There is a bunch of predictable bar rockers and metal heads in the same building. I just hope that they don't become social all of a sudden. I really don't have any thoughts on RIDE THE LIGHTNING at this point. Leave us in our pit of white noise and we'll leave you to your Marshall Stacks and Jackson guitars. By all means, shred your ass off. Our squelch at full blast is a mind fuck. It turns most folks into walking zombies. Eighty minutes of Karoli should be administered in mental health facilities. Not to toot my own kazoo or anything.....
Mekons "The Old Trip TO Jerusalem"
Roxy Music "Love Is The Drug"
Henry Flynt "I Don't Wanna"
Government Issue "Complete History I"
PS- I wish I could put a "friends tribute" together like the almighty Kurtz, but what few powers I possess are diminshed on positive endeavors. I can only please when I'm running in the depths of depression or a fit of rage or both wrapped in a bourbon bubble. Like an alcoholic Chia Pet.
Moved a majority of my gear into the practice space tonight. Downtown Toledo is a trip. All of the fugliness of a major city minus the arts. Hey, if you're a bum and you need spare change....DO NOT LIE ABOUT IT! Just come straight out with, "LOOK MAN, I NEED TO GET FUCKED UP AND GET A CHEESEBURGER CAN YOU SPARE SOME SCRATCH FOR AN OLD TIMER?". I'm going to hand you some bills at that point. Do not come up to me and say you've seen me playing at Cornerstone Church and then ask me to help a fellow parishoner. You're jivin' me, chief. So I just lie right back.
"Bro, our shit got jacked out of our practice space and we've got all of our bread tied up in replacing all of it"
Then he gets all pissed off and says "Man, you don't have to LIE". What a fucking ass-clown. Mothefuckers WORK for that spare scratch in DETROIT or NEW YORK. They'll sing a song or paint a picture for some money. Toledo bums just aren't trying hard enough. I think this city WILL NOT move ahead unless the homeless class gets a little more pizazz in their technique. Once that happens, there will be a city wide renaissance. Belive you me!
There is a bunch of predictable bar rockers and metal heads in the same building. I just hope that they don't become social all of a sudden. I really don't have any thoughts on RIDE THE LIGHTNING at this point. Leave us in our pit of white noise and we'll leave you to your Marshall Stacks and Jackson guitars. By all means, shred your ass off. Our squelch at full blast is a mind fuck. It turns most folks into walking zombies. Eighty minutes of Karoli should be administered in mental health facilities. Not to toot my own kazoo or anything.....
Mekons "The Old Trip TO Jerusalem"
Roxy Music "Love Is The Drug"
Henry Flynt "I Don't Wanna"
Government Issue "Complete History I"

PS- I wish I could put a "friends tribute" together like the almighty Kurtz, but what few powers I possess are diminshed on positive endeavors. I can only please when I'm running in the depths of depression or a fit of rage or both wrapped in a bourbon bubble. Like an alcoholic Chia Pet.
ass clowns should form a special colony with cheese dicks - the kind where they are quarantined...methinks.
pan handlers here in portland are of the hook.....little speed freak fucks think everyone owes them something........and i have the philosophy, that if they dont bring anything to this world, fuck em.......so they'd better make me smile....or laugh.....or lie really good.......