Maybe getting my mind pureed at The Allied Record Exchange has been a healthy thing. I have to say I'm a stronger animal. The constant display of humanity's ugliest attributes has been an anti-body to my sickness. The sickness of course is caring about my fellow man. There is no man. That guy standing in front of me is just a pile of senseless water n' flesh. He aint but a couple of steps from a cricket. He doesn't care what's on my mind. I make it plain that I couldn't care less what's on his. It's a purifying experience. My actions and thoughts are level and exact. No nervousness or regret in anything I do or think. None of it really matters. It's like a turtle crawling around some hedges in Vermont. A jellyfish keeping it cool on a reef. A lumberjack getting smothered by a dead redwood. It's just matter moving around. Not anything for me to be concerned about. No, it's not being desensitized. I still FEEL things occasionally. If I got shot in the face tomorrow it really wouldn't make that much of a difference. Not that I want myself to get shot or anyone else for that matter. But it's still just molecules moving around and dying or living and growing older. What happens if America sees the error of its ways and embraces humanity? A temporary peace and harmony with all products, shelter, and food shared amongst all!!! Yes, until some other group of schmucks comes around to claim the crown! The matter shifts a little. The gold and land shifts a little. Just so happens the pants are on our side of the laundry line . We're just waiting for a think tank to put a new spin on getting fucked and then our little day at the beach will be kaput. Y'know New Tyranny? We've had a good run with the doublespeak, I must say. Peace Process=War. Freedom=Economic Slavery. Pretty darn interesting turn compared to tyranny of the past. Having people keep themselves in line is a damn first for the books, I think. Let greed be their jailor. It's fascinating to think about. Yeah, it's all off topic. It's all just shifting molecules anyway. Don't even worry about it. Now if you load this "it's only molecules" program into the daily routine, time will just roll down the hill. That fine chick, the hobo, the sports fan, the doctor, the athelete, the hunchback. All of these little Sim characters just dissipate and remove their grip off of your conciousness. Don't that feel like a Slip N' Slide in July, people? Don't fret on all of that "Rejection of Human Contact Promotes Decay" malarkey. You're an animal, stud. All you gotta worry about is survival. Opening doors for old ladies and complementing your co-workers is a sign of giving up the reigns. Just SURVIVE. Eat, Sleep, Remove Waste, and get what you can outta yer right hand. Trust me, it's one group of molecules you really need.
Stark Reality
Eugene McDaniels
Isley Brothers
Roy Ayers
Jimmy Castor Bunch
Joe Tex
Skull Snaps
Brass Construction
Extreme Noise Terror
You have to deal with their sex
How are you gonna take it?
The rigid hammering
of Box Store Nails. the vision
So Boomer's got a war for grip
You can pocket these things you know
Pull down some shades
Secret Sexy. Complete Reality Blackout
How many grizzlies at yer gate?
No pills No Shoes No walk in the park
Yeah, those fortune teller blues
So Fine. So Sold. So Out of Your League
Miles of sand and no beach
Gallon of blood for every foot of sand
Soakin' round ten thousand hammers
Secret Misery. Complete Fantasy Blackout
Wrestle with a photo
how do you feel?
paid help
wrong battle
Stark Reality
Eugene McDaniels
Isley Brothers
Roy Ayers
Jimmy Castor Bunch
Joe Tex
Skull Snaps
Brass Construction
Extreme Noise Terror

You have to deal with their sex
How are you gonna take it?
The rigid hammering
of Box Store Nails. the vision
So Boomer's got a war for grip
You can pocket these things you know
Pull down some shades
Secret Sexy. Complete Reality Blackout
How many grizzlies at yer gate?
No pills No Shoes No walk in the park
Yeah, those fortune teller blues
So Fine. So Sold. So Out of Your League
Miles of sand and no beach
Gallon of blood for every foot of sand
Soakin' round ten thousand hammers
Secret Misery. Complete Fantasy Blackout
Wrestle with a photo
how do you feel?
paid help
wrong battle

half a set of headphones
1 DI box
a rusted Swiss Army knife
a 70's swizzle stick
one piece of dentine
a half a pack of big leauge chew
a 45 of " downtown" by Petula Clarke
a half burned candle
a mousetrap
and a set of box cutters find yourself stuck on the west side do you get to San Francisco with at least 25 cents in your left, front pocket...minted in the year of 1973?