I'm streamlining my life right now. When I started working full time I totally clicked into the consumer mode. Hell, I was seventeen and still mostly into major label rock and rap. Jane's Addiction, Tool, U2, Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, Alice in Chains.....the usual suspects. Not that these particular artists are all HORRIBLE, but my argument against them lies in the fact that most of their fanbase sticks to mainly that GROUP or that SOUND. I can speak from experience because those were the yardsticks I judged most CD purchases against. And I spent a great deal of my time and money on electronic gadgets, communications equipment, video games, alcohol, drugs, and music. Thankfully, I cast all of that shit aside except for music. There were still remnants from my lemming past that had some monetary value left. Unfortunately, cell phones and beepers from 1997 don't increase value with age. I sold some video game nonsense back to my store for credit towards CDs. Here is a list of what I bought.
Archie Shepp "Magic Of JuJu"
Lightning Bolt "Lightning Bolt"
Magazine "The Correct Use Of Soap"
Lee Hazelwood "Cowboy In Sweden"
Chisel "Set You Free"
Big Star "Third"
Sunno))) "White 1"
So now I have no video game systems in my life. I do not own cell phones or pagers. I do not own jewelry. I have no dress clothes or shoes. I do not do drugs. I only drink socially and on someone elses dime. All that is in my life are these things:
CDs, Records, Cassettes
VHS and DVD movies
Legit books and magazines
Music making equipment
It seems like the less I have in my life, the better I feel. Not so much a spiritual awakening or zen bullshit. The whole thing feels like a grounding mechanism or a big ole slab of St. John's Wort. It may be impossible for Big Black fans to EVER feel like a million bucks, but at least it's a step in the right direction. Maybe I also feel like a gold medalist in the Olympics. When I see all of the schmucks my age buying jet skis, tanning sessions, car stereos, overpriced video games, bling bling, cell phones, FAST & THE FURIOUS tricked-outness for the Chevy Cavaliers, movie tickets, and so on I feel like I'm beating them. It makes me feel good to say NO I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY OF THE MATRIX OR LORD OF THE RINGS MOVIES AND I WON'T BE PAYING FOR A MOVIE TICKET ANYTIME SOON.
I reject your little prisons
Here are some questions to keep you occupied
1) What are your thoughts on the Queens Of The Stone Age's first album? Yes, it is great but what do you really think about it?
2) Who's more insane...American Men or American Women? Why?
3) Is fast food addictive? Can you site your sources?
4) Which person out of this list of five would kill the president for $5,000 or less. Please Explain you answer.
a) King Diamond
b) Abe Vigoda
c) Mr. Dress Up
d) Charo
e) Joe Don Baker of WALKING TALL fame
BONUS POINTS- Describe how each one of the five celebrities would kill the president if they were so inclined. This means you too, Lemonkid!!!
Transformers The Movie Soundtrack
"You've got the touch. You've got the power......yeah!"
The robots will eat you, little girl
When you're playing hopscotch
Or badminton with those boys
The robots swoop
The robots bite
The robots will eat you, little girl
The robots will eat you, momma's little angel
they'll take your flesh before your first kiss
they'll try on your make up and ball up a fist
the robots will eat you, daddies little princess
No one can protect you
Get your kicks while you can
Leave your dollies to your cousin
Don't make your parents cry
The robots will eat you, little girl
during Saturday morning cartoons
and certainly before Sunday school
The robots will eat you, little girl
Cause flesh is so cool
(yeah it's been that kinda day. The pizza rolls are making me hallucinate. Who needs fucking Robitussin if Cheesy Taco Pizza Rolls can make you trip balls?)
Archie Shepp "Magic Of JuJu"
Lightning Bolt "Lightning Bolt"
Magazine "The Correct Use Of Soap"
Lee Hazelwood "Cowboy In Sweden"
Chisel "Set You Free"
Big Star "Third"
Sunno))) "White 1"
So now I have no video game systems in my life. I do not own cell phones or pagers. I do not own jewelry. I have no dress clothes or shoes. I do not do drugs. I only drink socially and on someone elses dime. All that is in my life are these things:
CDs, Records, Cassettes
VHS and DVD movies
Legit books and magazines
Music making equipment
It seems like the less I have in my life, the better I feel. Not so much a spiritual awakening or zen bullshit. The whole thing feels like a grounding mechanism or a big ole slab of St. John's Wort. It may be impossible for Big Black fans to EVER feel like a million bucks, but at least it's a step in the right direction. Maybe I also feel like a gold medalist in the Olympics. When I see all of the schmucks my age buying jet skis, tanning sessions, car stereos, overpriced video games, bling bling, cell phones, FAST & THE FURIOUS tricked-outness for the Chevy Cavaliers, movie tickets, and so on I feel like I'm beating them. It makes me feel good to say NO I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY OF THE MATRIX OR LORD OF THE RINGS MOVIES AND I WON'T BE PAYING FOR A MOVIE TICKET ANYTIME SOON.
I reject your little prisons
Here are some questions to keep you occupied
1) What are your thoughts on the Queens Of The Stone Age's first album? Yes, it is great but what do you really think about it?
2) Who's more insane...American Men or American Women? Why?
3) Is fast food addictive? Can you site your sources?
4) Which person out of this list of five would kill the president for $5,000 or less. Please Explain you answer.
a) King Diamond
b) Abe Vigoda
c) Mr. Dress Up
d) Charo
e) Joe Don Baker of WALKING TALL fame
BONUS POINTS- Describe how each one of the five celebrities would kill the president if they were so inclined. This means you too, Lemonkid!!!
Transformers The Movie Soundtrack
"You've got the touch. You've got the power......yeah!"
The robots will eat you, little girl
When you're playing hopscotch
Or badminton with those boys
The robots swoop
The robots bite
The robots will eat you, little girl
The robots will eat you, momma's little angel
they'll take your flesh before your first kiss
they'll try on your make up and ball up a fist
the robots will eat you, daddies little princess
No one can protect you
Get your kicks while you can
Leave your dollies to your cousin
Don't make your parents cry
The robots will eat you, little girl
during Saturday morning cartoons
and certainly before Sunday school
The robots will eat you, little girl
Cause flesh is so cool
(yeah it's been that kinda day. The pizza rolls are making me hallucinate. Who needs fucking Robitussin if Cheesy Taco Pizza Rolls can make you trip balls?)

2) The American Women around my little slice of heaven are absolutely insane. At least the dudes I know and run with are predictable. This is a positive predictable in the sense that they just want the CAKE and aren't particularly worried about eating it too. Can't say that I know any women from anywhere else so I can't speak on this topic as a whole. The insanity is probably more equal in the bigger cities. Dudes just take it easy around here. Boys always work it out. The chicks in Oregon/Toledo are enough to make you queer. This is all coming from the man who beat the shit out of god because he wouldn't kill him. Hey, I never asked to fuckin' be here....so you all can deal with me.
3) Yeah, when they fence you in like the cattle you're eating and watch you balloon and fester and rack up medical bills. It's fascinating how groups of people sanction other groups of people to poison and destroy a significant part of the population. Isn't that contrary to how nature is supposed to work? Even a fuckin' anvil head such as myself can analyze how them creatures on the Discovery Channel interact versus how we interact with each other. This is a cold, rotten fucking species and I can't wait till I'm plantfood.
4) I've always said keep your eyes on anything appearing innocent. Mr. Dress-Up is a host of a children's program from the 80s. This cat is probably way depraved at this point and is ready to tangle ass with any motherfucker who steps in his way. All this dude needs is a few weeks in a pseudo-navy seals course to get his beak wet in the art of killing. Trust me, he'll probably give YOU money for the chance to kill someone important.
a) King Diamond would summon the Jim Henson creatures from FRAGGLE ROCK with his beckoning falsetto. It's hypnotic, daddyo, so the little fucking muppets will have no choice but to aid King Diamond in his quest for a permanent Halloween on Dubya's grave.
b) Abe Vigoda would chicken out on this shit. I know he's got the whole Godfather rep, but time has made this goodfella soft. Besides, this relic is probably working on a good guy rep so Disney will cast him in one of their bullshit remakes. Baby, Viggy is too Hollywood to get his hands dirty.
d) I can't answer this because I'm in love with Charo. We need to make a psycho-sexual vampire film together in Sweden. Real fuckin' arty.
e) Joe Don is too smart to leave a tell tale clue like hickory stick splinters in Dubya's cranium. He'd call in his buddy Fred Dalton Thompson (Law & Order, politics) and pull some straight Julius Ceasar shit. I'm talking Ginsu Knives and Bruno Maglis in the hallowed halls of the Dubya House. Watch out for that chicanery in the annals of power. It's as old as time.
By the way, this is not an endorsement for the killing or attempted killing of Dubya, Julius Ceasar, or any other political person. It's more or less critical debate as to what kind of depraved celebrity would sink that low. This could actually help the secret service keep tabs on those Hollywood Babylon types.
I can go twice as high
Take a look
It's in a book
A Reading Rainbow
I can go anywhere
Friends to know
And ways to grow
A Reading Rainbow
I can be anything
Take a look
It's in a book
A Reading Rainbow
A Reading Rainbow
i triple dog dare you