Drinkin' wine spody-ody. Ran through a healthy amount of Miller Lite draft. Quite a rancid beer. Went to a Frickers restaurant to drink YagerBombs and Tequila. WhiskeyFightPit has reopened. The sabbatical was long and healthy but Hell needs company. Talked mostly about how our fathers generation had an easier time finding gainful employment. America is no longer handing out those dreams that you hear so much about growing up. On top of that it costs 600 American dollars to get four stitches and a bottle of painkillers. Organized crime perhaps? I ordered a king's ransome worth of hypotyroid and adrenal medicine. Jimmy Tango's Fat Busters style. RIDE THE SNAKE. That fantastic episode of SNL was on TV today. For some odd reason, it was Jim Carrey day. AOL Time Warner must be releasing a new film with him in it. It's utterly fascinating to see how the entertainment mechanisms function and how it's all just a big snake oil swindle. This whole country is one big flim flam. Everybody's looking out to wet their beak while the mighty sand castles are washing back into the sea. I've been wearing your suit of heated beads and taking your speed pills. I also realized that I'm the devil, and I will wash over the earth with the blood of the innocent. You have to give it up for Will Ferrel and Jim Carrey scanning each other like the Cronenberg picture. Top fucking shelf. I find it strange that 90 percent of the people I know don't own a home or have any job security. Roll this back to the mid 70s and the figures would be reversed for say my father and his friends. Situations like that used to infuriate me. Now though I look at it like a scientist poking around a dead cat with a stick. It's almost amusing to think about corporate greed in that sense. What are you willing to do for money and power? Maybe I'm getting too detatched from reality and human emotion. Sun Ra needs to beem me back up to his space ship. I believe I've spent enough time on Earth.
soundtrack of the day
cheech knows about those Vampire Blues
Drinkin' wine spody-ody. Ran through a healthy amount of Miller Lite draft. Quite a rancid beer. Went to a Frickers restaurant to drink YagerBombs and Tequila. WhiskeyFightPit has reopened. The sabbatical was long and healthy but Hell needs company. Talked mostly about how our fathers generation had an easier time finding gainful employment. America is no longer handing out those dreams that you hear so much about growing up. On top of that it costs 600 American dollars to get four stitches and a bottle of painkillers. Organized crime perhaps? I ordered a king's ransome worth of hypotyroid and adrenal medicine. Jimmy Tango's Fat Busters style. RIDE THE SNAKE. That fantastic episode of SNL was on TV today. For some odd reason, it was Jim Carrey day. AOL Time Warner must be releasing a new film with him in it. It's utterly fascinating to see how the entertainment mechanisms function and how it's all just a big snake oil swindle. This whole country is one big flim flam. Everybody's looking out to wet their beak while the mighty sand castles are washing back into the sea. I've been wearing your suit of heated beads and taking your speed pills. I also realized that I'm the devil, and I will wash over the earth with the blood of the innocent. You have to give it up for Will Ferrel and Jim Carrey scanning each other like the Cronenberg picture. Top fucking shelf. I find it strange that 90 percent of the people I know don't own a home or have any job security. Roll this back to the mid 70s and the figures would be reversed for say my father and his friends. Situations like that used to infuriate me. Now though I look at it like a scientist poking around a dead cat with a stick. It's almost amusing to think about corporate greed in that sense. What are you willing to do for money and power? Maybe I'm getting too detatched from reality and human emotion. Sun Ra needs to beem me back up to his space ship. I believe I've spent enough time on Earth.
soundtrack of the day
cheech knows about those Vampire Blues

I answered your question back on my journal so as to let others see the answer, as I can't amend my journal right now. Why? It won't let me, you'd have to ask it.
I owe CDs to you, crazybob (who I won't see at the Yo La show since his parents are making him use his leave time to go to a Redskins game. I dunno if it's any consolation to him, if he's into like revenge, but the Bucs are gonna destroy the racist-name local team.) and Franchise/ Too. But I sure do wanna read a book tomorrow morning... The Autograph Man by Zadie Smith.