Call me curious gargoyle rape
be bop a-lula with electrical tape
catfish nuggets and a western plate
give it to me wide
give it to me pure
polyester smiles, cracker divide
laundry chute
elephant boots
Christ in a blanket
small lunch
no dinner
call me curious
Most of my time lately has been spent listening to Captain Beefheart and The Contortions. Most of my reading has been Dylan and Grateful Dead lyrics with the occasional back issue of England's WIRE music publication. They had an artical about a collective known as SUNBURNED HAND OF THE MAN. I guess they are branding their movement as Free Folk. Whatever. It's what I've been talking about all along. People coalescing with similar ideas and ignoring scenes, styles, talent, and all other outside influences. This is possibly what I have been searching for my entire life. Through every shitty rock/pop/ and hiphop record I've been burdened with...a shining knight comes out of the mist and rescues this werewolf in distress. I can't wait to jam with the noise collective again. My fear and preconceived notions have totally disappeared. Anything is possible. This all goes back to my idea of NO NATIONS NO LAWS JUST COMMUNITY. Everything is related. Although I spend most of days hiding out and absorbing still is just a big resevoir that I am contributing to. Right now someone is thinking and feeling the same way as me. My violent funk has vanished....on with the lyrics.
Lipstick burlap
Chinese warlords redefine the journal
Evidence of a soul
sewer bound and iodine sick
swoop like a Pterodactyl
spill the chum holy commercial
drum up your war crime
dance careless woodscrew tenament
cardboard pile
rain delay
Pakistan to The Pelican Bay
outside inside
What do you say when your old and gray?
Your victims line up with wreaths and kind words
It drives you mad
prehistoric links with reverse honor
What I have in mind is a Residents COMMERCIAL ALBUM type blueprint. 35 to 40 songs not lasting longer than 90 seconds. Bursts of free sound with non-sensical words strung together. Anythings possible. I can't wait to get to work on this stuff. I just need to get ahold of more sound-making devices. Free music has totally re-energized my life. If it wasn't for improvised music, I would probably be dead. Some of my friends from work started turning me on to free jazz around 2000. From then on I got into stuff like The Shaggs, Captain Beefheart, Jackie-O Motherfucker, Acid Mothers Temple, Merzbow, Red Krayola, Magical Power Mako, Melt Banana, Locust, Black Dice, Wolf Eyes, Bob Ostertag, and so much more music. I know most of those artists probably weren't just out dicking around in a basement, but I suppose I feel at home with the sounds they create. Man, it feels almost like I listened to FUN HOUSE or the Dead Kennedys for the first time. Real exciting times!!!!!! Another round of potential lyrics
smallpox dining cloth
baby cow
Ham-fisted returns
shoeshine delights
suicide rundown
drunk checks
washing machine agitations
you feel it
you know what I'm talking about
the landmine's potential to go off
be still
Gang Of Four "Entertainment"
at home he's a tourist, everybody!!!!!!!
be bop a-lula with electrical tape
catfish nuggets and a western plate
give it to me wide
give it to me pure
polyester smiles, cracker divide
laundry chute
elephant boots
Christ in a blanket
small lunch
no dinner
call me curious
Most of my time lately has been spent listening to Captain Beefheart and The Contortions. Most of my reading has been Dylan and Grateful Dead lyrics with the occasional back issue of England's WIRE music publication. They had an artical about a collective known as SUNBURNED HAND OF THE MAN. I guess they are branding their movement as Free Folk. Whatever. It's what I've been talking about all along. People coalescing with similar ideas and ignoring scenes, styles, talent, and all other outside influences. This is possibly what I have been searching for my entire life. Through every shitty rock/pop/ and hiphop record I've been burdened with...a shining knight comes out of the mist and rescues this werewolf in distress. I can't wait to jam with the noise collective again. My fear and preconceived notions have totally disappeared. Anything is possible. This all goes back to my idea of NO NATIONS NO LAWS JUST COMMUNITY. Everything is related. Although I spend most of days hiding out and absorbing still is just a big resevoir that I am contributing to. Right now someone is thinking and feeling the same way as me. My violent funk has vanished....on with the lyrics.
Lipstick burlap
Chinese warlords redefine the journal
Evidence of a soul
sewer bound and iodine sick
swoop like a Pterodactyl
spill the chum holy commercial
drum up your war crime
dance careless woodscrew tenament
cardboard pile
rain delay
Pakistan to The Pelican Bay
outside inside
What do you say when your old and gray?
Your victims line up with wreaths and kind words
It drives you mad
prehistoric links with reverse honor
What I have in mind is a Residents COMMERCIAL ALBUM type blueprint. 35 to 40 songs not lasting longer than 90 seconds. Bursts of free sound with non-sensical words strung together. Anythings possible. I can't wait to get to work on this stuff. I just need to get ahold of more sound-making devices. Free music has totally re-energized my life. If it wasn't for improvised music, I would probably be dead. Some of my friends from work started turning me on to free jazz around 2000. From then on I got into stuff like The Shaggs, Captain Beefheart, Jackie-O Motherfucker, Acid Mothers Temple, Merzbow, Red Krayola, Magical Power Mako, Melt Banana, Locust, Black Dice, Wolf Eyes, Bob Ostertag, and so much more music. I know most of those artists probably weren't just out dicking around in a basement, but I suppose I feel at home with the sounds they create. Man, it feels almost like I listened to FUN HOUSE or the Dead Kennedys for the first time. Real exciting times!!!!!! Another round of potential lyrics
smallpox dining cloth
baby cow
Ham-fisted returns
shoeshine delights
suicide rundown
drunk checks
washing machine agitations
you feel it
you know what I'm talking about
the landmine's potential to go off
be still
Gang Of Four "Entertainment"
at home he's a tourist, everybody!!!!!!!

...after all, (as people say) everything's online now...
...but regardless, I think I'd still like to be able to read lyrics without a bunch of fucking pop-up ads. I, in fact, would like to pick up the Dylan book, and really need a copy of Leonard Cohen's Stranger Music, too.
I fill my head with culture/ I give myself an ulcer.
When there were no ears
to hear
you sang to me
i am bored and listening to the dead kennedys
i love jello biafra.
i wanna marry him