I moved here four years ago and people say I've acclimated so well. "Don't those boots look so cute on her?" "Look at how she holds her own out here in the country." "She sure has toughened up".
Let me just say these boots had holes worn in the soles before they ever stepped on your red dirt. I grew up changing environments every 6 months and fending for myself most times. Your little bugs and critters are the least of my conquering accomplishments. And tough? Tough is surviving in the desert. Thriving in the desert. Living in unlivable conditions in a vulture-based society and coming out unscathed. I played it soft for you in the beginning, but I've seen your talons and beak under your false face, so playtime's over.
I'm done with this small town. I'm done with the bullshit. And I'm done being half of who I am while the other half rots. 2 months and I'm flyin the coop.
Let me just say these boots had holes worn in the soles before they ever stepped on your red dirt. I grew up changing environments every 6 months and fending for myself most times. Your little bugs and critters are the least of my conquering accomplishments. And tough? Tough is surviving in the desert. Thriving in the desert. Living in unlivable conditions in a vulture-based society and coming out unscathed. I played it soft for you in the beginning, but I've seen your talons and beak under your false face, so playtime's over.
I'm done with this small town. I'm done with the bullshit. And I'm done being half of who I am while the other half rots. 2 months and I'm flyin the coop.