Here's a short list of the top five red flags I've blissfully ignored while getting to know the last five girls we considered in our relationship...
- Every discussion of personal goals, points of pride, and even televised sporting events has them bragging about how competitive they are.
- They only speak of others to tear them down, as if somehow YOU are the ONLY person in their life to ever be without flaw besides themselves of course.
- They repeat the same self-glorifying stories over and over again, as if they're either trying to convince you of how awesome they are, or they aren't accustomed to having more than a single-serving acquaintanceship.
- The short amount of time between their last relationship and their attempt at this new one can only be rivaled by the even shorter amount of time it takes to go back to their old one.
- They "go dark" to avoid exposing actions they think you will not appreciate or be hurt by.
Ladies, do yourself a favor. Get your own house in order before you sign on to be allowed in mine. This game is getting old.