I'M DONE I'M DONE I'M DONNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE!!!!!! After five sessions, TONS of aftercare and a whole lot of conviction, my Arizona back piece is FINISHED! I ame into the shop with an image of the AZ state flag and a short description... "I want a blue base, and the 13 sun rays, but instead of the star I want a Phoenix. Not a girly peacock-looking bird...
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Progress update on my AZ Back piece!!! We switched from the traditional machine we used in the first two sessions to the rotary machine for yesterday's work. Overall I'm impressed. It's much quieter and far more comfortable to sit for. We did have some issues with the ink not wanting to take under my right arm, but I think that's more because my skin is...
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I moved here four years ago and people say I've acclimated so well. "Don't those boots look so cute on her?" "Look at how she holds her own out here in the country." "She sure has toughened up".
Let me just say these boots had holes worn in the soles before they ever stepped on your red dirt. I grew up changing environments every 6...
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Let me just say these boots had holes worn in the soles before they ever stepped on your red dirt. I grew up changing environments every 6...
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EEEEEK! I get started on my back tattoo in 48 hours!!!!
Spoiler alert: This is a pointless rant.
I want to go home.
I hate this constant overcast cold drizzle we've had for weeks.
I hate being an hour away from a mediocre level of entertainment.
I hate resorting to idle chit-chat for socialization because if I speak my mind I will be seen as a two-headed monster.
I hate having to hide my body.
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I want to go home.
I hate this constant overcast cold drizzle we've had for weeks.
I hate being an hour away from a mediocre level of entertainment.
I hate resorting to idle chit-chat for socialization because if I speak my mind I will be seen as a two-headed monster.
I hate having to hide my body.
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Hope you are home soon.
Here's a short list of the top five red flags I've blissfully ignored while getting to know the last five girls we considered in our relationship...
- Every discussion of personal goals, points of pride, and even televised sporting events has them bragging about how competitive they are.
- They only speak of others to tear them down, as if somehow YOU are the ONLY person in...
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So I've reached a point of frustration that I just can't seem to get past on my own. Since moving here four years ago I have put on about 30 pounds (145 to 175) and I'll be DAMNED if I'm taking it back to Arizona with me! I have been exercizing regularly and I am trying to restrict my calorie intake to 1200/day. I was...
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babe i know how you feel, when someone mentions to me about going out, it's always to the pub in my head straight away.
you still look amazing so stop worrying about that <3
i eat...constantly. my high metabolism is going to wear off very soon and then im fucked!
don't beat yourself up gorgeous lady!
you still look amazing so stop worrying about that <3
i eat...constantly. my high metabolism is going to wear off very soon and then im fucked!
don't beat yourself up gorgeous lady!

Damn it's tough ... I know what you mean... Kick the coke ... or switch to CokeZero or Diet. Soda's have it in for you.
Also ... have you tried some weight training? I don't mean for you to start looking like Arnie in the 1970s but building some muscle mass will help burn some cals.
Good luck
Also ... have you tried some weight training? I don't mean for you to start looking like Arnie in the 1970s but building some muscle mass will help burn some cals.
Good luck
So my previous excitement over the move back out west is dulled a little today. I sat down and started trying to plan the move timeline... you know working backwards from my absolute must-be-settled-in date to signing on a house, to picking a house, to packing up out here and heading to the temporary place there, to making school and business arrangements, to telling the...
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Headed West young man, haven't you been told?
I have to brag somewhere and since my other social feeds have been infiltrated by family members and people who can't know yet, I'm going to announce it here:
I moved to rural Oklahoma from Phoenix, AZ almost four years ago, and in that time I've done everything I can to embrace country...
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I have to brag somewhere and since my other social feeds have been infiltrated by family members and people who can't know yet, I'm going to announce it here:
I moved to rural Oklahoma from Phoenix, AZ almost four years ago, and in that time I've done everything I can to embrace country...
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I believe that punk cures everything! 

Whelp, today I buttoned up the final plans for Memorial Day Weekend! I know it's a ways out, but I'm SOOOO stoked to go to Rocklahoma. After being in this bible belt small town for so long I look forward to ROK because all the repressive and judgmental assholes will be staying behind! It's all about bare flesh under the sun and rock and roll...
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Not to early to plan for this, an event that lasts a few days and you have to provide your own transportation and camping equipment. Not to mention food and drinks. Trust me, NASCAR fans plan for longer than you have.
Looking forward to something like Rocklahoma or a NASCAR event is totally normal. Both involve a lot of beer.
Looking forward to something like Rocklahoma or a NASCAR event is totally normal. Both involve a lot of beer.