So - Yeah - It's been awhile, yeah? What have I been up to this month? Let's go with a picture story shall we?
The beginning of the month brought Mardi Gras- yay! I went to the St. Martinville Grand Boucherie and watched this kid kill this big pig. Then they cooked it and ate it. Yay!
I am so fucked up right now. I'm eating pills, and slamming beers, an smokin' out. But I can still feel shit so I gotta keep working on that.I just watched the Miss America pageant - omg. Seriously - sooooo bad. They had a "DJ" to "spin" hip "tracks"
= so sad so awful ........But I loved it - I love cheese, both the eating... Read More
shit girlie. thats confusing. the ptsd might be totally unrelated to other hit your thinking of. drinking is a depressive anyway. ask any irish family they will tell ya. i'd go 2 mister head doctor and tell him he's shite at his job. and go somewhere else for therapy. fuck, go to florida and take some therapy time with some dolphins (the animal kind).
Yeah, you may need to change up your meds. Last year I felt my prescribed meds were no longer working, so I went off of them and started taking St John's Wort, Ginkgo Biloba, and a few other natural remedies. I felt great for a few months, than began feeling really depressed again, almost suicidal. I am now back on my prescribed meds and feeling better. Have you ever thought about looking into switching your meds up. at least temporarily?
Back home. Exhausted. I feel like a ran a fucking marathon. And by "ran a fucking marathon", I mean "drank enough to make my liver scream while sleeping as little and as poorly as possible".
But - it was worth it - amazing trip and a nice escape from the hideous reality that is my life at home. Really. It's a fucking nightmare right now.... Read More
Hey hey y'all!
Quick update as I am on a roadtrip - Car is great! I waited for the right moulding to come in and the back window is now good as new. I drove for 7 hours today and everything was perfect - yay! I'm in Birmingham, AL right now - going to see the Foo Fighters tonight - and then heading to Atlanta... Read More
Ok - here's some complete idiocy to brighten your day.....New Year's Eve weekend a bunch of people I know from both LA's - Lousiana and Los Angeles, fancy filmmaker types ya know - got together in Baton Rouge and played parody commercial wars. (Yes - we had teams! My team lost - you'll understand why after you watch) We drank ridiculous amounts of alcohol &... Read More
awesome! except, I think I know people who would really, really, dig the penile should market that one at fetish events! and - i would so totally dance with you! next event, joe has an order to send tickets!
Ok - so last July I wrecked my car. It was in the shop and in the shop and in the shop and no one could tell me when I would get it back...Then, Christmas week my insurance company decided to total it after 5 months! So, I was totally screwed - I'd been making lease payments the whole time and renting cars and all... Read More
you gotta love incompetence. i would have gone postal by now. you have some patience. that would fuck up my year. but as i get a new car every 3 months i suppose i dont need to worry.
Know what's funny? A 5'2" somewhat clumsy & accident prone girl carrying a ladder up a bunch of stairs so she can change a light bulb and air filter up on her 11' ceiling. Not. I managed to scrape up my walls in TWO places - the freakin' stairs have a landing & a turn dammit! And of course almost fell numerous times. Geeze.
WARNING: The following blog is likely to contain way too many words, random stream-of-consciousness not-really-that-interesting barely-coherent type thoughts, asbestos, stupid pet photos, and/or peanuts/peanut pieces. You should probably stop reading now.
Hey there - and Happy 2008, Motherfuckers!
I am feeling much better, thanks. The holidays actually weren't so bad after all. In fact, a few people really came through for me - and you... Read More
Pity, Party of One, Part II - god, I love alliteration....
OK - I'm over it - so fucking what, right? In the big scheme of things it's just a damn day. So I wish someone invited me over for turkey....but that didn't happen....whatever. You know what I'm going to hear all week? "Oh, I thought you were going over to so-and-so's...."