I'm home - after 11 fucking hours driving in the pouring rain yesterday! Fuck - that sucked donkey balls! Two lane highways plus big trucks plus lots o'water equal no fun whatsoever.....
When I got home last night I was so happy to see my dog but he smelled like he had been rolling around in some combination of dead animal flesh, garbage, and poo. I had to wash him 3 times in his lavender baby shampoo (cheap and no more tears!) before it went away! Wasn't exactly what I wanted to do right when I got home but it was seriously rank as hell! Here he is in all his glory (that's the tv reflecting in his eyes) - Senor Butch El Perro Loco:

I just downloaded my camera from the trip and I thought these were hilarious - My friend Michael took them when we left his condo at 1am to find ice cream - yes, we were a little high, thank you. This is what happens when two glamour queens get together and get stoned:

I was still dressed from an event I went to with my other best friend - who also happens to be gay and named Michael. Wierd huh? I know, I know - it is such a stereotype for the artsy girl to hang out w/the queers! What can I say, I've known them both for more than 10 years and they have been loyal friends through thick and thin. Unlike many of my so-called girlfirends. Sometimes chicks can be so fucking mean......
I was so tiired from the drive that I overslept this morning. I forgot to return the rental car and missed my appointment w/my psychiatrist - oopsay! Thank god he filled my scripts before I went to Atlanta! But I'm sure he'll want me to drag my ass in there sometime this week....let's talk about your depression and anxiety - fun!
For now, I plan on vegging out with all the TIVO I collected while out of town - let the lazy-bitch fest begin!
When I got home last night I was so happy to see my dog but he smelled like he had been rolling around in some combination of dead animal flesh, garbage, and poo. I had to wash him 3 times in his lavender baby shampoo (cheap and no more tears!) before it went away! Wasn't exactly what I wanted to do right when I got home but it was seriously rank as hell! Here he is in all his glory (that's the tv reflecting in his eyes) - Senor Butch El Perro Loco:

I just downloaded my camera from the trip and I thought these were hilarious - My friend Michael took them when we left his condo at 1am to find ice cream - yes, we were a little high, thank you. This is what happens when two glamour queens get together and get stoned:

I was still dressed from an event I went to with my other best friend - who also happens to be gay and named Michael. Wierd huh? I know, I know - it is such a stereotype for the artsy girl to hang out w/the queers! What can I say, I've known them both for more than 10 years and they have been loyal friends through thick and thin. Unlike many of my so-called girlfirends. Sometimes chicks can be so fucking mean......
I was so tiired from the drive that I overslept this morning. I forgot to return the rental car and missed my appointment w/my psychiatrist - oopsay! Thank god he filled my scripts before I went to Atlanta! But I'm sure he'll want me to drag my ass in there sometime this week....let's talk about your depression and anxiety - fun!
For now, I plan on vegging out with all the TIVO I collected while out of town - let the lazy-bitch fest begin!
ahahaha, everydamnthing you do sounds like an adventure!!! I HATE long drives in rain though, totally feel you on that one... happy you made it back in one piece! ...and love the leopard print dress! Meow!