I have got some good shit today. I had a pretty lengthy blog all typed up; but I somehow hit the wrong button and it was no more. Oh well, it was actually pretty good. Too bad you missed it 
Ah yes, like I was saying. Good shit

Ellen Rogers

Ramon Maiden is a fucking mad man. Amazing

As far what was in my blog before. Its hard to explain. The things that are going on right now are probably enough to drive any other person into a depression. I'm one of those resilient motherfuckers that gets the fuck up and keeps moving. Somehow, sometimes, shit happens, life goes on. I prefer to take the risk, rather than wishing I would have and wondering what could've been. That also applies to certain endeavors. I wonder at people who let fear make them "play it safe". That's enough of my ramblings. Good night
Oh, and I finally got my crowns

Ah yes, like I was saying. Good shit

Ellen Rogers

Ramon Maiden is a fucking mad man. Amazing

As far what was in my blog before. Its hard to explain. The things that are going on right now are probably enough to drive any other person into a depression. I'm one of those resilient motherfuckers that gets the fuck up and keeps moving. Somehow, sometimes, shit happens, life goes on. I prefer to take the risk, rather than wishing I would have and wondering what could've been. That also applies to certain endeavors. I wonder at people who let fear make them "play it safe". That's enough of my ramblings. Good night
Oh, and I finally got my crowns

I love those wooden hands! They're amazing 

I'm loving all that art! 0.0 you have the best taste!