Hey man, nice shot.
I think the end of my time in Vegas is drawing near. Maybe a year? I don't know, I hope so. We'll see how much I can get done in this next year. As to where I'll go, I'm not really sure yet. I have a few options. Once the time comes, I'll choose where I want to be the most I suppose. There's a lot going on right now. I do a lot of things for a lot of people. I very much appreciate the ones who don't take it for granted. The ones who do, usually get cut loose at some point. I don't like being held back. I've allowed myself to be held back for far too long already.
Enough with the deep, insightful nonsense. I finally treated myself to those nifty shades I've been jonesin' after

speaking of ocular apparel, I need to go see the damn eye doctor. I've noticed that I'm having difficulties focusing on things at a distance that never used to be a problem before. Gotta go see that eye doc before it gets too bad.
Maybe I can get a nice pair of warby parkers that are similar to these here safety glasses
Might I suggest, if you haven't already, checking out the hellbound hepcats
And also, Rocket 350

Last but not least
"Portrait of a dead man" by
Damien M.