All right, you primitive screw-heads, listen up! See this? This... is my boomstick!
introduced my little brother to evil dead this weekend, this week for the rest of you I suppose. It all started when I showed him this picture
He didn't understand
I was floored. It reminded me of the time he dressed up as a nerd for halloween. I had made a comment about him looking like urkel and he had no idea what I was talking about. So, I proceeded to school him in matters of necronomicon. He feels cooler now because hes got one up on his friends. I can just see it now, "Hey guys, have you ever seen Evil dead?" fuckin goofball
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In other news, the condensate drain in my AC has been clogged for I don't know how long. Its been leaking into the hall closet so I had no idea until the other day. Soaking ass carpet, mold on the baseboards, all that fun stuff. the owner of the complex takes care of all the units himself, so he and I got to talking. He was complaining about the fact that the water pools up in one side of the pan before it drains. I explained that its probably off kilter by a 1/64 of an inch or so, and that its probably just the way that the cubby its in was built. Anyways, you all probably don't care about all that business so let me get to the point. He offered to pay me for every unit if I could come up with a way to rectify this. the only thing is that I don't feel this is a problem he really needs to worry about. These pans have pretty high walls to make up for these sorts of problems. I tried telling him this, and that the reason they overflow is because the condensate promotes the growth of this stuff we call peanut butter, and this peanut butter clogs the drain and the pan overflows. What I'm trying to say is that he doesn't understand this, and I don't feel comfortable taking the amount of money hes offering when I know that I'm not going to be able to prevent these things from getting clogged in the long run. It's just one of those things that happens and can be avoided by keeping an eye on it. just like changing a filter. If you have a split system and the indoor coil is in the wall or ceiling; check the condensate drain pan when you change the filter. sheez that was longwinded... sorry
I had a pretty weekend overall, seen some people I haven't seen in a long time. I met one of my friends' eight month old son for the first time. He's so proud of him, you can just tell that he loves being a dad.
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My little brother has been really depressed about this whole situation with our dad. He's more sensitive to these kinds of things than I am. It's tough to see him having such a hard time with it. He takes it to heart when my dad skirts the truth and doesn't own up to his actions. He's afraid of ending up like him.
I try to keep his mind off of it. We went to bachi burger for lunch yesterday and it absofuckinlutely delicious. He said that it was like jizz in his mouth, he wanted the words back as soon as they left his mouth. I told him that next time he tells somebody about it to say that its like sex in the mouth, not jizz in the mouth. Then I proceeded to give him a hard time and told him that I would still love him if he was into that sort of thing, I'm not one to judge
well, time for the daily dose of fine art
NC winters

wesley eggbrecht
unknown artist
ah yes and this picture is awesome
and something to smile about
don't let me forget craolas juxtapoz questionairre