we're currently in new jersey. my hometown is being looted, my neighborhood is being looted. all of the guns from the uptown wal-mart have been stolen. prisoners have taken children hostage.
we'll be in boston and providence over the weekend. the best news i've heard is that the hotel i work for was able to evacuate all the guests and employees that stayed it out. this takes a huge burden off my mind. i was about to stay with all of them, and it was only on a silly whim that we decided to leave. since then, we've been desperately trying to get in touch with any of them.
anyway, i want to thank everyone here for their support. new orleans won't ever be the same. it feels like someone fired a buckshot in the middle of all my friends and now we're trying to find each other.
we'll be in boston and providence over the weekend. the best news i've heard is that the hotel i work for was able to evacuate all the guests and employees that stayed it out. this takes a huge burden off my mind. i was about to stay with all of them, and it was only on a silly whim that we decided to leave. since then, we've been desperately trying to get in touch with any of them.
anyway, i want to thank everyone here for their support. new orleans won't ever be the same. it feels like someone fired a buckshot in the middle of all my friends and now we're trying to find each other.
i couldnt imagine being in that situation..
but im glad you guys are safe..
It's been hard to grasp the enormity of the whole situation, but after looking at the satellite images I just can't help wonder if that city will ever be the same, but having witnessed the resilence of NYC I have have faith that it will.
Best wishes, Tom.
[Edited on Sep 01, 2005 8:16PM]