Remember that part in 'Frida' where Diego says to Frida that he can't promise to be faithful but he can promise to be loyal? Did that resonate with anyone else? I have serious issues with monogamy and yet I am very clear on love. I know what love is to me, and for me, and I know what it is not, and one thing that...
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Greetings from Prague. This place basically fucking rules and I don't want to waste time in front of a computer when I should be out on the town. Love to anyone who cares. Happy New Year.
happy new year!
im so envious!
im so envious!
Ack! I have completely fallen behind in my friendlies... I totally should have contacted you earlier. Maybe I should just send an email... That's what I'm gonna do! Hope to see you soon, I can't fucking WAIT to hear all about Prague... It's always been one of my dream places...
Once upon a time I had something to say here. The lapse between entries would indicate otherwise. Don't let that fool you. I have just been away. I keep paying for my little piece of cyberturf here so I figured I ought to get busy talkin' or get busy leavin'. Tomorrow I leave for Prague. I will either leave updates or not as I make...
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Happy New Year!!
I hope you have a great time in Europe. Once you're re-connected, I'd really like to talk to you about scripts and stuff. Especially since it seems I may no longer be a resident of La-La-Land.
I hope you have a great time in Europe. Once you're re-connected, I'd really like to talk to you about scripts and stuff. Especially since it seems I may no longer be a resident of La-La-Land.
By the way, are you from DC? Any particular reason you were in that city?