My family is falling apart.
my cousins moved to South Carolina about a year ago. she moved back home a day before thanksgiving. We haven't spoken in a year.
My cousin is also currently in jail.
I found this out this morning after her mother lectured me a few days ago on how much I 'hurt' tara when i refused to talk to her when she moved back home.
I'm sorry. did you miss the part where she moved back home because her and her boyfriend lost all their money to heroin? and she lied to me about moving in the first place? She told me she was stuck in South Carolina, that Chris beat her up and took her car.
Lovely. Little did you know, Auntie, that while you were lecturing me on being mean to your poor daughter who was doing SOOOOO well in rehab out in texas, she was actually driving back up this way with her criminal boyfriend robbing banks.
on the plus side, I fell in love yesterday with the creepy kid from Wedding Crashers. He's gorgeous in real life.
Katelyn and I cuddled with Kevin James.
And tonight I got to see Stephen Lynch and it was lovely.

my cousins moved to South Carolina about a year ago. she moved back home a day before thanksgiving. We haven't spoken in a year.
My cousin is also currently in jail.
I found this out this morning after her mother lectured me a few days ago on how much I 'hurt' tara when i refused to talk to her when she moved back home.
I'm sorry. did you miss the part where she moved back home because her and her boyfriend lost all their money to heroin? and she lied to me about moving in the first place? She told me she was stuck in South Carolina, that Chris beat her up and took her car.
Lovely. Little did you know, Auntie, that while you were lecturing me on being mean to your poor daughter who was doing SOOOOO well in rehab out in texas, she was actually driving back up this way with her criminal boyfriend robbing banks.
on the plus side, I fell in love yesterday with the creepy kid from Wedding Crashers. He's gorgeous in real life.
Katelyn and I cuddled with Kevin James.
And tonight I got to see Stephen Lynch and it was lovely.