You guys are gonna think I am sooooooo weird.
(I cannot believe I found an image to help describe what I am talking about here, and apparently its called "Pilling")
Ok, you know how on certain fabrics there are those lumpy little lint balls that grow in patches and they're soft? Usually seen on pillows or comforters? I like to rub the cuticles of my fingers on those and certain fabrics. Its like a comfort zone type thing. I don't do it super fast or excessive that someone notices and thinks I'm trying to make a fire with my fingers, I do it slowly and softly and it literally helps me relax.
It started when I was a really small child, and I had this ugly, torn, pink pillow that had tons of those little things on them. I would suck my thumb and carry that dirty thing every where with me. I would rub my fingers on it till I fell asleep. One day my mom decided to throw it away and it shattered my world. She didn't understand why I was so upset and running around the house looking for something with the same fabric to rub my fingers on, I was just so uncomfortable. Then my oldest sister, whom babysat me, explained to mom why the pillow meant so much to me and they all had to leave late that night to find me a new pillow (which if anyone knows it normally takes fabric awhile to start wearing down and getting those little thingies on them) so after she came back with this silly little pillow that was totally brand new and not what I wanted I kept crying. It wasn't till after I snuck into my sister's room and saw that she had a HUGE pillow (bigger than me at the time) with rose print COVERED with them. I would consistently steal her pillow every night in hope she wouldn't notice.
:c I'm weird huh.