Back to work. FUCK! Cindy blew trees down everywhere. I don't even know why I'm at work. THere are 250,000 people in NOLA without power. And it's gonna be HOT! Luckily mine came back on about 6 this morning.
While popping around the state on my days off I ended up with these 2 chicks around Baton Rouge. One of my friends used to date one of was weird, I kicked it for a bit, things got boring, so I bounced. Red scorpions and blue dolphins, oh my!
While popping around the state on my days off I ended up with these 2 chicks around Baton Rouge. One of my friends used to date one of was weird, I kicked it for a bit, things got boring, so I bounced. Red scorpions and blue dolphins, oh my!

got a belly full of sushi, washed down with a waterfall of sake!