Wednesday, ain't shit changed. Dude I've been house-sitting for comes back tomorrow. They are showing my appartment tomorrow. Parents here on Friday. Damn, this is gonna suck. But one of my best friends is in from Cameroon, Africa. She use to work here with me. Now they have like dipomatic passports/licence plates and wild shit. She likes it there, has her own gardner, cooks, and security guards ( which are really needed apparently) Her lil sister graduates this weekend, and my friend's 4 year old insists I be there for the afterparty. Ummm, Brazilian at that. Oh, I'll be there.
fine...just fuckin busy as all get out cause of work and turtle patrol, moving and my oldest only has 2 days of school left so he is gonna be home all day too...I'm GOIN CRAZY!!!!

hell ya im down with the krown