So I went fishing, and won our lil tournament cause I'm a bad ass. And let me tell you how fucking cool my Dad is. He renting me a cool ass cabin on the lake adn set me up with this hot lil 24 year old red head from his office. (go ahead We went out this weekend and it's cool that now I have someone to hang out with when I go up there fishing and golfing and such. surfbetty go ahead and say it, I deserve it. WOOT!
Feeling pretty good about the week, and it's a short one also. Gonna go back to Toledo this weekend to play golf at Cypress Bend and do some fishing before heading to my Mom's for Easter. Now what?

what is it with being 29? i've got more play at 28 and 29 then i ever did in the younger years.
i can't figure it out.