Well it's FRIDAY. Word. So I may go pick up my new ride this weekend. Kinda excited for a new vehicle. Not excited about having a car note again, but whatever. Umm, gonna try to hit up that Hi-Ho thang on Sunday...damn, I just realized my room mate ( who is in the process of moving to Texas) is coming to town and wanted to know if I wanted to go out with he and his girl and an 18 year old virgin from Brazil that like is on the Tennis team at NSU. That is how he propossed to me...( surfbetty, Don't you even think it....Oh, and what did you say about those young ones?) So I will see what's up. I may blow thenm off and go to the party....we'll have to see. And I so wanna go play golf tomorrow.

if i don't see you there, you're blacklisted.
from what exactly, i have yet to figure out...
i'm giving everyone a chicken today:
its my lot in life.