So now the debate is resurfacing in my head about how to proceed with life. Should I move back to a small town ( where things started) and I know I can make $$$, but be unhappy....although clean air is good. Or I can move back to Florida where I was actually happy, get a crappy job in coorporate America and just suck it up...or move to a 3rd world country and use my technology knowledge to gain financial freedom. Life blows....
So High that I'm standing on a ledge, take another puff now I'm over the edge.

So High that I'm standing on a ledge, take another puff now I'm over the edge.
life does blow...welcome to the club.

At least you have job options. I'm swimming under the radar of importance. I still have this massive cold I'm trying to get over... as soon as it passes, I'll give you a call... or damn it, how about you call me... how about dem apples?