I hate bitches. I need someone to come save me. I can make good money anywhere, but fuck, I'm, lazy....New Orleans is driving me though. Fuck it, I don't have anything to say, and my friends are disappearing from the site....
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 01, 2005
Finally completely moved. Now I just wanna sleep. Ole girl up in no… -
Tuesday May 31, 2005
Back to work...short week....maybe I'll think of something to write l… -
Friday May 27, 2005
Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday...and a long weekend. So to save … -
Thursday May 26, 2005
Got most of my shit moved out of my house. Jsut need a good cleaning… -
Wednesday May 25, 2005
It's hump day ya'll...So come give me some! -
Friday May 20, 2005
Word, at least it's Friday. Move my shit this weekend. My landlady … -
Thursday May 19, 2005
Holy shit I'm bored already. Gotta clean up my house a bit today aft… -
Wednesday May 18, 2005
Wednesday, ain't shit changed. Dude I've been house-sitting for come… -
Tuesday May 17, 2005
Ya know I can play all the golf I want today for $20, but NOOOOOOOOOO… -
Monday May 16, 2005
It's Monday again. Gotta fix a couple of laptops, so I'll be back in…
Yeah man, it's calmed down now, The hub said when he went to work downtown on Mon. there were people passed out on the street, sleeping in Starbucks...just kinda all over the place...pretty funny, but I am sure you have seen all that shit before.
now cheer the fuck up!!! I command you..