- on New Mexico People in sg southwest
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From kizar
Thank you for following me!
From user0616220901
Hey, I just wanted to wish you a great start into the weekend! <3
From acid_
Thanks for the follow! xxx
it has been way too long since i wrote anything! i do still love the idea of blog homework though. here you go, @rambo and @missy !
SG crush? shoot, where to even start? I have 3.
first is a hopeful that i think should go pink. @azrea i have written to her several times in the last 3 years and she is an interesting...
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@missy and @rambo, 3 things i think everyone should know how to do.
man, this is a tough one. not coming up with things that everyone should know how to do, but prioritizing them in to a list of the top three. there are so many different factors. for example, everyone who drives should be able to pump their own gas. i'm looking at you,...
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From sweetalex
Hi! Thanks for all your support!
From buttercups
Thank you for following me 💜
well, I am officially a Harley-Davidson technician now! and a tech school graduate. now i just need to go home and start at the job i've got lined up.
well, i need a 4 gallon, a 5 gallon, and a 55 gallon drum that should count as a bucket...
whats that @rambo and @missy , wrong kind of bucket list? crap! alright, lets do this!
main thing on that list is getting a camping trailer and living in that for a few years traveling the country, maybe going farther south as well. to do...
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I'm going to try something new this year for new years. Since my birthday is the 4th, i don't really consider it a new year until then anyways, so i've still got a day to come up with my resolutions. Let me know what you think of this idea, @rambo and @missy.
Instead of one, full year resolution, I want to come up with 6...
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here you go, @missy and @rambo.
my resolution is to start writing 16, instead of 15... or 14...