you know your fucken drunk when you can barely sign in..
i woke up this morning still really drunk from last night........
i dont know how i got home.............................
just glad i didnt wake up in jail again.....................
somehow walked down to blockbusters and rented
The Pest, badass old school john leguizamo flick.doubt i spelled it right, dont care either way, hahaha...
walked back to the liquor store, bought 2 40.oz 211 black labels.
i'm still really drunk right now, thank god for the back space button
finally figured out how to bring music up on my player... cant feel my fingers, cept the slight tingle that drives me mad...
now back to the story.......... walked about a mile back to the pad, bs'ed with the skaters next to my house for a min, just cracked the first 40 .......... i cant stop swaying...... i'm suprised i can type........ i dont think you'll hear from me again
its taken me over 20 minutes to write this.. hehe

i woke up this morning still really drunk from last night........
i dont know how i got home.............................
just glad i didnt wake up in jail again.....................
somehow walked down to blockbusters and rented
The Pest, badass old school john leguizamo flick.doubt i spelled it right, dont care either way, hahaha...
walked back to the liquor store, bought 2 40.oz 211 black labels.
i'm still really drunk right now, thank god for the back space button

finally figured out how to bring music up on my player... cant feel my fingers, cept the slight tingle that drives me mad...
now back to the story.......... walked about a mile back to the pad, bs'ed with the skaters next to my house for a min, just cracked the first 40 .......... i cant stop swaying...... i'm suprised i can type........ i dont think you'll hear from me again

its taken me over 20 minutes to write this.. hehe

2) I wasn't avoiding you, drunky-pants!! I got up and walked away from my phone for 2 minutes. Sorry.
and i lurve how youre this wasted <3
you had to have had rad fun bro