Friday Feb 24, 2006 Feb 24, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email I need new music... So whos good these days? I've been listening to Ween and Lacuna Coil Any good artists that kinda resemble that sound? VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS fiesty: hey hun well I use photoshop 7.0 I have photoshop cs as well but don't use it lol. Miss you take care and have a good one. Are you ever on LC???? Mar 10, 2006 belllla: Sorry I've been missing you on Y!IM. I'm on it almost 24/7, but I'm usually asleep or something. Try me again though, okay? I like the fact that you spell Prozac with an X in your profile. Mar 11, 2006
I like the fact that you spell Prozac with an X in your profile.