Heh Heh
God i've missed this place and all of you weird ass Mofo's
I've missed some real good times and some real bad ones and frankly, so have YOU.... I appologise for not being here when you needed me the most and for that I'm truley sorry....
Now I'm back and...
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God i've missed this place and all of you weird ass Mofo's
I've missed some real good times and some real bad ones and frankly, so have YOU.... I appologise for not being here when you needed me the most and for that I'm truley sorry....

Now I'm back and...
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yawns and stretches.........
nothing amazingly new to date...
Logan turned 1 on the 5th of this month, got a new job, but havent been paided in 3 weeks, yay
and now wondering when i'm moving back to eagle river so i can have net access again... so yeah...
i'm done....
nothing amazingly new to date...
Logan turned 1 on the 5th of this month, got a new job, but havent been paided in 3 weeks, yay

and now wondering when i'm moving back to eagle river so i can have net access again... so yeah...
i'm done....

Hey! I just wanted to stop by and thank you for being a member of the Concerts Group. The Summer Concert Season is almost upon us, so I'd love to have you throw a review into the group if you happen to catch any great (or not-so-great) shows this year. And if you know of anyone who might like the group... send 'em our way. The more the merrier!! Have a great summer! ♥
hey bro! congrats on Logan's birthday
you must be so proud!
sorry to hear about the new job not paying you right away. but i guess that's the way it always happens, unless it's a pay by the day job.
keep kickin' man...

sorry to hear about the new job not paying you right away. but i guess that's the way it always happens, unless it's a pay by the day job.
keep kickin' man...
okay, 9 more days i'll be 22 man, this sucks.. heh
this whole year has been one fuck up after another, thank god it'll be over soon... my car got impounded 2 days ago, kate and I split... fuckkkk me...
oh well.. finally got some net access for a few more days, thats cool thou... been wonderin if you bastards are still alive or not......
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this whole year has been one fuck up after another, thank god it'll be over soon... my car got impounded 2 days ago, kate and I split... fuckkkk me...
oh well.. finally got some net access for a few more days, thats cool thou... been wonderin if you bastards are still alive or not......
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i'm alive and kickin' still, sorry i haven't been good with the updates and comments and such. this is my last year of school (FINALLY) and i'm really putting my nose in those books, as opposed to leaning back and relying on my smarts to save my ass last minute, like i always used to do.
how are things with you? your shoulder? my condolences on the split. be strong man. you are an independent person and i'm confident that if you two aren't together, it only means that there's someone better out there for you. (i hope nothing has happened since your last update to make me eat my words!)
take care bro - good to know you're still alive and kickin'
how are things with you? your shoulder? my condolences on the split. be strong man. you are an independent person and i'm confident that if you two aren't together, it only means that there's someone better out there for you. (i hope nothing has happened since your last update to make me eat my words!)
take care bro - good to know you're still alive and kickin'

oh yeah SOOOOOOOOO old -cough laugh- whatever :p
glad to see you around often
i know how things have been man and hope they look up soon.

glad to see you around often

i know how things have been man and hope they look up soon.

well here's my update...
i'm moving yet again *sighs* and the origional date was supposed to be on the 7th and then it got uped to the 1st and now i'm leaving tomorrow the 29th
and the bummer is that i wont have a computer anymore, so i'll have to check up on you guys at the library....
i wonder if i can still check...
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i'm moving yet again *sighs* and the origional date was supposed to be on the 7th and then it got uped to the 1st and now i'm leaving tomorrow the 29th

i wonder if i can still check...
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best wishes brotherman
I'm still quite hanging in here
everytime im about to give up hope on this place or get lazy people come crawling back reminding me that evne if 90% of people here and elsewhere sucked
the others made it more than worththe stay
someday i need to elarn to appreciate and thank them properly <3

I'm still quite hanging in here
everytime im about to give up hope on this place or get lazy people come crawling back reminding me that evne if 90% of people here and elsewhere sucked
the others made it more than worththe stay
someday i need to elarn to appreciate and thank them properly <3

you know your fucken drunk when you can barely sign in..
i woke up this morning still really drunk from last night........
i dont know how i got home.............................
just glad i didnt wake up in jail again.....................
somehow walked down to blockbusters and rented
The Pest, badass old school john leguizamo flick.doubt i spelled it right, dont care either way, hahaha...
walked back to...
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i woke up this morning still really drunk from last night........
i dont know how i got home.............................
just glad i didnt wake up in jail again.....................
somehow walked down to blockbusters and rented
The Pest, badass old school john leguizamo flick.doubt i spelled it right, dont care either way, hahaha...
walked back to...
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1) Your new profile pic is teh hotness. It makes me want to do naughty things.
2) I wasn't avoiding you, drunky-pants!! I got up and walked away from my phone for 2 minutes. Sorry.

2) I wasn't avoiding you, drunky-pants!! I got up and walked away from my phone for 2 minutes. Sorry.

haha bro i love the new pic
and i lurve how youre this wasted <3
you had to have had rad fun bro

and i lurve how youre this wasted <3

you had to have had rad fun bro

i'm all sad and shit guys...*sniffs litterally*
i just got the call everyone dreads, from my friend brian...
one of my very best friends died today... od, were pretty sure. i cant take anymore of this.. its killin me...
last june, i lost my best friend in the whole world, Hezekiak SmallWood Kelley and my grand father Dewey Duchesneau not even two weeks apart from...
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i just got the call everyone dreads, from my friend brian...
one of my very best friends died today... od, were pretty sure. i cant take anymore of this.. its killin me...
last june, i lost my best friend in the whole world, Hezekiak SmallWood Kelley and my grand father Dewey Duchesneau not even two weeks apart from...
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amen brother, drugs are a dangerous enemy. my prayers are with you through these hard times. it sounds cheesy, but i'd like to pass long a good piece of advice: "LIVE STRONG"
This Week Has Been BullShit!!!
And I Smell A Set Up! Fucken Co-Worker's. There ALL EVIL...
I just started a new job as a cashier in a Quizno's restraunt in Eagle River.. Now the only other Main employee is a fucken crackhead and i do mean litterally. he knows i dont much care for him and thats why i'm bitching. 2 days ago we were...
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And I Smell A Set Up! Fucken Co-Worker's. There ALL EVIL...
I just started a new job as a cashier in a Quizno's restraunt in Eagle River.. Now the only other Main employee is a fucken crackhead and i do mean litterally. he knows i dont much care for him and thats why i'm bitching. 2 days ago we were...
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boo to shitty coworkers!

boo to shitty coworkers!

Hey Bud!
I just wanted to extend an invitation to join our new group for concert reviews. Please join up and let us know what you've thought of the shows you've seen.

I just wanted to extend an invitation to join our new group for concert reviews. Please join up and let us know what you've thought of the shows you've seen.

I need new music...
So whos good these days?
I've been listening to Ween and Lacuna Coil
Any good artists that kinda resemble that sound?
hey hun well I use photoshop 7.0 I have photoshop cs as well but don't use it lol. Miss you take care and have a good one. Are you ever on LC????
Sorry I've been missing you on Y!IM. I'm on it almost 24/7, but I'm usually asleep or something.
Try me again though, okay?
I like the fact that you spell Prozac with an X in your profile.

I like the fact that you spell Prozac with an X in your profile.

hey all..
okay, so on the sgchat off shoot, who is who? i want everyones new name for future reference. cool?
anyways, not much has changed, the kid is good, fussy as usual and i just got a new job last week... it could be better but it could also be worse..
well i'm interested in chattin with you guys still so give me a...
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okay, so on the sgchat off shoot, who is who? i want everyones new name for future reference. cool?
anyways, not much has changed, the kid is good, fussy as usual and i just got a new job last week... it could be better but it could also be worse..
well i'm interested in chattin with you guys still so give me a...
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hey sweetie!!!!!! sure thing I'll help ya with whatever you need. Is chat no longer up?? I can not find it lol
we miss you too focker <3

................. No Yawns and No Stretches...................
so i know its been like 3 months since my last update.. sorry bout that, still have very limited internet access. but heres whats new in my lil world...
My daughter was just born on Dec 5th at 9:20 am.. katie, was a total trooper.. no drugs, completely natural and we even had her at home in this quiet...
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so i know its been like 3 months since my last update.. sorry bout that, still have very limited internet access. but heres whats new in my lil world...
My daughter was just born on Dec 5th at 9:20 am.. katie, was a total trooper.. no drugs, completely natural and we even had her at home in this quiet...
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you can just type the chat page url directly into your url field and click go, ja?
that's what i've always done. lately though my computer can't/won't connect to the chat server. way bogus!
that's what i've always done. lately though my computer can't/won't connect to the chat server. way bogus!
Hey congratulations on becoming a dad. Yeah the chat is down and has been down for a while now. There is a chat room that a few sg chat room regulars have formed on another server. is the irc server name if you use mirc or whatever. #sgchat. is the javachat link is the javachat link
I'd be a fairly happy camper.
Also changing my ram was a chore and a half.
Lucky for me I'm gonna buy another 2 gb when I can xD. No more slowness worries -EVER- :3
wb and stuff.
I don't really communicate... with anyone now. -shrug-