what a trip. truck lost power, sputtered & stopped running 50 miles from glamis. truck camper is just as comfy on the side of the road as at the dunes so that was a plus. first thought was bad gas since I just fueled up and it was smoking really weird. I drained out all my water containers & got the truck (92 F350 460...
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I would have missed the cat to, I never even thought of it when I read that.

sucks about the employee, so often they never think of stuff like that; I had a guy pissed at me because I was taking lots of time off, to the point he had a fit over it. He ended up feeling kinda dumb when I explained to him I was taking time off and not getting paid to make sure he got 40 every week when things where slow...
I cancelled my cable TV and internet, way too expensive & I rarely watch tv except for news. And I'm much happier the less news I watch so... What's a cheap reasonably fast internet connection? I really know nothing about that shit. I need to sell a bunch of stuff on ebay & craigslist if I'm going to keep my home - I haven't sold...
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I use bare DSL and it works great and costs less then either cable modem alone or phone plus DSL.
Happy New Year!!
No internet for a while. I'm going to Colorado for Christmas & New Years, I'll take care of it when I get back maybe. I've got an excellent Fu Manchu going but of course I have no pictures. maybe next year.
You need to work on this picture thing. It's become something of an issue for your adoring fans.

Just sayin'...
NORVIN!! I was going to ask what he thinks about this, but he's had snow experience in CO, right?
Nothin' like Outlaw Country.
You need to practice your guitar, too! Try playing along with that album, for instance...
my cable modem or something in the puter is on the fritz. it's ok again this morning but yesterday I'd have to click "repair connection" every single time I'd go to a new web page. Otherwise I'd get an error message. I might be absent for a while. No news really, been hitting the trails with the mountain bike every day since I've been back...
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It's even colored vinyl, does it get any cooler then that?
thank you for the big :-)

more soonish xo
How the fuck did I miss this awesomest of awesomely awesome blawgs?

Fuckin' DUDE, you should make a tiny Burt Munro replica!
God damn you OCD! I have this ongoing project to get all my vinyl onto master WAV cds via a stand alone CD recorder I got before I had a computer (I don't think a computer is a good sound environment for recording - OCD here also), then convert to MP3s in the computer with track info. I can fit two LPs onto an 80...
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Pics or you didn't build it!

I have always wante dto run a bike on a road course but I know I would end up in the grass for daydreaming in the straights.
You know about Exact Audio Copy, right? It's a frontend for LAME, and you can use it to compress .wav files to .mp3 files. Lots of flexibility for audio quality, like using variable bitrate to shrink file size while keeping the sound quality you want.

Wanna read something that'll really flip your lid? http://irene.lbl.gov/Library-of-Congress-Jan-12-2007.pdf Some scientists were listening to an NPR program about archivists at the Library of Congress and the challenges they faced when trying to get the music off of these ancient recordings, if they were lucky they'd get one chance to play a record, because the record was so fragile that the act of playing it would destroy it. So these eggheads looked at each other, then looked at the scanning electron microscope they were standing next to, and it dawned on them that they could take a picture of a record, then use software to create a "virtual stylus" with the perfect shape and weight to play in the virtual grooves. The results are nothing short of amazing.

I'm looking forward to hearing your UTMC compilation.
Ok, I'm done with politics in my blog for a long time, I promise!

Edited out: "blah blah blah blah"

...Anyhow, here's Mahalia Jackson singing "Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho." It's good, but if your short on time (or patience for someone else's tastes) just listen to a quick verse or two to get the idea:

Now Grant Green's treatment:

yeah . . . creatively upside down!

(i didn't buy it either. hence the frustration aspect. at least this will keep locals from recognizing me at first glance - that's creepy.)
Sorry, should have put in more info...

Yeah, the infusions ended a few months ago and the doc switched me to plaquenil. Awesome side effects from this one!

abdominal cramps, diarrhea, heart problems, reduced appetite, headache, nausea and vomiting, altered eye pigmentation, acne, anemia, bleaching of hair, blisters in mouth and eyes, blood disorders, convulsions, significant vision difficulties, diminished reflexes, emotional changes, excessive coloring of the skin, hearing loss, hives, itching, liver problems or failure, loss of hair, muscle paralysis, weakness or atrophy, nightmares, psoriasis, reading difficulties, tinnitus, skin inflammation and scaling, skin rash, vertigo, and weight loss

When I was taking the infusions of abatacept, I'd have intense side effects for a few days, then I'd start to feel better, then I'd have a couple weeks where I felt pretty good, then not so good, then it was time to get another infusion. With the plaquenil, it's pretty similar but not as intense and it never goes away.

There's no really great alternative to the medication situation. I'm afraid that if I stop taking the plaquenil that the doc will put me back on prednisone...

So it is.
Congrats to everyone. If President Obama is half the leader y'all expect he'll be a great one. Despite the fact that I couldn't in good conscience grant him my own consent, I'm proud and very moved that so many of my fellow citizens obviously voted for the man and not against the man's race. I'm glad the election wasn't a close one....
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You sound a lot like a couple I hang out with a lot. Their basically my parents at this point, but they've been saying a lot of what you are saying in your blog. What impresses me though is that all of you have tried to stay optimistic that's pretty admirable in my opinion. Thanks for taking the time to read all of that and yes my Maine Coon is fine. smile

i'm about to put you in the least restrictive environment...