fucking cat will not leave the keyboard and mouse alone. He's erased 2 posts already. I'm sick of typing so you get bare details now, thank Oscar. Here's my new jukebox, a "Rock-Ola Mystic 478" made in 1978 with a fancy new digital selection/credit display and 3 most popular "hit tracker" display. It doesn't work, but I got it thrown in while trading some old junk for some other old junk.

Seems unmolested inside, although there may be one component missing - there's some loose wire connectors all ending at about the same place, on the floor of the unit. There's an astonishing number of fuses, relays, switches, buttons, levers, dials and such in there. Everything seems to have power - there's no led indicators unlit, all fuses check out (visually) all breakers checked, nothing thrown. The only action I can get (aside from all the lights working fine) is for the platter to spin when
I throw a lever inside. I can't get anything to happen on the credit & selection screens nor can I get the record selector mechanism to budge, the needle to drop, or any sound to come from the amp. hmmmm.
I have more than enough 45's to fill it with great songs & change the selection every so often, I've been wanting a jukebox for that purpose for a long time.

Seems unmolested inside, although there may be one component missing - there's some loose wire connectors all ending at about the same place, on the floor of the unit. There's an astonishing number of fuses, relays, switches, buttons, levers, dials and such in there. Everything seems to have power - there's no led indicators unlit, all fuses check out (visually) all breakers checked, nothing thrown. The only action I can get (aside from all the lights working fine) is for the platter to spin when
I throw a lever inside. I can't get anything to happen on the credit & selection screens nor can I get the record selector mechanism to budge, the needle to drop, or any sound to come from the amp. hmmmm.
I have more than enough 45's to fill it with great songs & change the selection every so often, I've been wanting a jukebox for that purpose for a long time.
That thing is sweet!