Crazy violent hailstorm yesterday. 100+ degrees out and there's frozen stuff falling from the sky? Weirdsville! Today is the 4th of July Damboree, our town's annual festival celebrating the 4th of July and the Boulder Dam, known to the rest of the world by it's illegitimate title "Hoover Dam." At the Damboree you can eat as many dam hot dogs as you want and throw some dam water balloons and just have yourself a dam good time. The town in Ohio I grew up in had the Maple Festival. I sure could go for a piece of maple sugar candy right now. What's your town's annual festival? If I were mayor of a town that had no festival I'd start one and make it the first annual Dirt Festival. Nobody ever celebrates dirt, but where would we be without it?
And then there's live music on the green on Tuesday nights then everyone heads to the bar afterward.
Oh and this is ballerina week.
My old town in Illinois had a corn festival.
Cindy Crawford was corn queen one year.
She lived in my town....