I've been slacking off here lately. Fucking hell, it's been humid non-stop for more than a month now. It's done this the last few summers, it wasn't like this before. 105 and 60% is way worse than 117 and dry. Fuck you weather! Of course I've been in Colorado for a little bit of the summer, which has been beautiful, so I'm really just a big whiner. Last time in CO I got dad to rent a mountain bike for a few days & we did a lot of riding. 1200 to 1600 foot climbs, usually a dozen or so miles up and back down. That was in Steamboat Springs. He enjoyed it so much he went & ordered himself a bike. Dad's been jogging every morning since before I was born, but his knees & feet have been starting to bother him the last few years. He's thinking he'll switch it up or just ride the bike. So while he was waiting for the new one to arrive he was riding mine each day (I left it there for the summer). Their cabin is fairly remote & there's been a bunch of bear/mountain lion activity lately. I had previously gotten them some :"bear bells" that you attach to your person if you're going hiking in the wilderness. So anyhow, he's chugging along the road on my bike, comes around the corner and almost runs over a deer. He sees that yup, you can surprise a critter, even a critter with good hearing. So he puts one of the little bells on the bike the next day. He rides a couple more days and is startled by a Big crash off the side of the road. It was a bear. It had been trying to scramble up a tree to avoid having a get together with whatever was coming down the road, but a branch snapped. It ran off, he said it was a pretty big guy. So now he's going to send me a picture of the bike fitted with several bells and a holster for his pistola. The bears really are zero issue if you don't totally take them by surprise or end up between a mom & cub. But there have been some lion issues lately, I think I mentioned the kid who's dog saved him a few months back. Authorities did catch that cat & relocate it but there's another one that's been having hellos with people lately.
I spy 2 sets of forks! details?
No, you spy 2 forks, or one (mismatched) set of forks!
you already cleaned up the ports on that head and did a valve job a while back, right?
Define "valve job"... These are the stock valves, guides, & seats. I didn't do a proper grind on them or anything, just chucked the valves up in the drill press and cleaned off the build up. I guess it's a poor man's valve job...
I made the mature decision to go back with my stock cams instead of the GPz cams. I've already sacrificed my low end torque for the sake of more horsepower, I don't want to give this thing a "light switch" power band. The GPz cams apparently concentrate all the power into a zone just below redline. If I was building a track bike, there'd be no question about it, I'd use the lumpy cams! Besides, I'd have to get a whole different set of valve shims and get this electric tach working if I want to use them. I'll hang onto them, in case I change my mind... which I'm sure I'll do at some point...
It's drag race Friday again this week! Taking the mustang this time.
About got 'er dialed in, eh?
I forget, have you taken your ZRX to the drag races? I'm thinking that'd be your quickest vehicle...