The weirdest thing happened last night in the garage. I've got really old heavy wooden garage doors that flip up on big hinges. They've got big powerful springs that assist in lifting that have been there working (I use that loosely) since 1945. So I'm listening to the radio, putting some finishing fiberglass on the track bike's fairing and I hear this 'KA-BAAMMM! SMACK SMACK CRASH!' I jumped about a foot and yelled "NORVIIINN!" in my angriest 'bad dog' voice since it came from right where he was laying. I figured he knocked over something huge or who knows what. Of course I was scared that whatever it was came down on him, but there was nothing I could see anywhere. He was just laying there looking very shocked, so much so that he didn't even think to do the 'guilty dog' routine that I'd expect from me yelling at him. He just looked at me for a second, then he got up and turned around to look behind him. There was the huge ass spring laying right there. It's about 4 feet long (probably ten feet when stretched) and very heavy. In a 12' x 12' area it picked a 3'x4' chunk of space between the R1 & the ZRX and between Norvin and the garage door. It bounced off the wall and the garage door taking chunks out of each on it's way to landing there in the spot barely wide enough for it to fit. The R1 (directly below where the spring was) and Norvin both had wood splinters and dust on them, but neither was touched.So I gave Norvin a big hug & told him I was sorry for yelling at him. Then he cautiously took his bone (next to the spring) and went to the other end of the garage.
So what caused this? Did the spring break, or did the bolts holding the spring let go, or what?
Did you make notes of which ones to remove and which to keep?
Yes: Original turn signal mounts, side cover mounts, seat prop channel, and tabs for the fuse block, reg/rec, etc. I'm going to relocate the battery under the hump, along with all the other electrical stuff.
I pulled the H2 apart so long ago I'm not sure what I want & what I don't, but I'm thinking of doing some work on that since I've got a lot that needs done and doesn't require any money.
It'll come to you when you're ready to dive back in.
Aready have the chambers, porting, carbs, a gasket kit & other bits. Only other big ticket items are some slightly wider hoops & spokes.
Going radial?
I bet I can compare tabs a lot against the H1, should be very similar.
Doesn't look like you even have any surface rust on there!
There were a few spots like around the battery and above the swingarm. I'm going to call in a bit to see how cheaply I can rent a sandblaster. I need to get into all the little nooks & crannies, plus I'd like to derust my Kerker before I wrap it, and I'll need a blaster to get down into the collector...
Strike that, I think I'm going to try and make my own...