The head is doing better than last entry, and the improvement is very welcome. Saw the doc, switched up some medication, etc... Track day coming up on march 22, hurray! Right now work seems set to go from "what tasks can I give the guys that are at least a little productive so they can have a paycheck" (and how can I pay my own bills on top of their paychecks) to "how the hell can we keep up with all of this?" not much else to say. I made zero progress on any of the projects this winter despite having plenty of time to do so. depression is so depressing that way.
Oh here is a bright note: riding the mountain bike on actual mountains pretty much every day. this place is awesome, it's unreal how much work must have gone into these trails.
Also, this evening on the way to fetch a burrito I saw 150 on the R1's display thingy, that's always pleasing because it's such a nice round number.
Oh here is a bright note: riding the mountain bike on actual mountains pretty much every day. this place is awesome, it's unreal how much work must have gone into these trails.
Also, this evening on the way to fetch a burrito I saw 150 on the R1's display thingy, that's always pleasing because it's such a nice round number.
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Sank like a stone.
Vanished without a trace.
I hate to whine, but am I really that ineffectual?