My head has been giving me problems for a while. I hate to complain, because I really have nothing I should be complaining about, but from my skewed perspective it seems like everything is wrong in my life. I think some degree is to do with stopping taking some medication - lexapro, an ssri for depression/anxiety. I'm taking it again & it seemed to help initially but I'm still getting waves of imminent disaster on the horizon. Maybe we need to up it or try something else -earliest appointment I could get is this Tuesday, so I haven't actually seen the doctor yet. I came back from the factory last night which for all intents and purposes should have me dancing- last year I blew our sales projections out of the water, up 28.81% from the previous year. I couldn't care less. Maybe this is mid-life crisis time? I've never had the least desire to be a "business man" but here I am. Problem is I've never had any real ambition for anything. I wish there was something I really wanted to do, because I do think I could do pretty much whatever I put my mind to. It just all seems so meaningless. Everything important in life seems to get swept under the rug in favor of flash and trivia. I feel sick. You know of any especially cool monasteries? I'd be very content with less than monk status, I could just fix any mechanical problems or do odd chores or whatever. I just want out of the insanity. I guess fixing things and doing chores is what the monks do though, huh? If I were in better shape maybe I'd join the army so some young fella who is excited about life and has a wife and children could come home.
Honestly, I feel at my worst in the cycle right now. It comes and goes so probably later today nothing will be wrong & I'll be wondering what I was fussing about. As far as mid-life crisis is concerned I've had the fast machines/acting half my age bit covered forever. Next order of business is to seek out an inappropriately young woman, right? I really should get right on it but of course lack of motivation is stopping me.
Honestly, I feel at my worst in the cycle right now. It comes and goes so probably later today nothing will be wrong & I'll be wondering what I was fussing about. As far as mid-life crisis is concerned I've had the fast machines/acting half my age bit covered forever. Next order of business is to seek out an inappropriately young woman, right? I really should get right on it but of course lack of motivation is stopping me.
As usual, my advice to you is to go for a nice long ride (weather permitting).
Spend some time with your guitar.
Pursue some lively young lady. You might want to study Mark's style, he's about our age and has had some decent results...
Seriously: next time you're going to be in my backward neck of the woods, let me know in advance!
Spring is coming! Spring is coming!
I suppose it's potentially abusable, but if you need it it CERTAINLY does NOT get you high.
It puts you to sleep quickly the first couple of days or weeks you take it, but to continue that effect you'd have to take more and more, which is where the abuse could come in.
I take it before bed time, and in fact if I have an especially bad day I can just take more which doesn't do anything except make the panic die down.
I don't feel like I'm taking ANYTHING - either the Klonopin or the Celexa.
No side effects.
That's why I continue to take that combo - no side effects and 98% of my symptoms gone.