"This forklift is retarded"
I had to go pick up some stuff at the convention center this morning, took Paul along in case we had to lift something heavy. The lady in charge is making conversation while we wait for 8:00 to arrive so the union doesn't implode or something. "Why are you picking this stuff up honey?"
"I do business with the company who had the exhibit. The guys wanted to catch an early flight home and asked me if I'd come pick their stuff up for them. I'll send it back to Oklahoma on the next truck that comes out from their factory. Just a favor."
"Where are you taking it right now?"
"Boulder City"
"You live in Boulder City?"
"Uh huh."
"So and so (I forgot the name) lives in Boulder City, I'll have her load you up."
5 minutes pass until 8:00, then another ten for the Union just in case. everyone looks like they're on thorazine. probably just Saturday morning, I dunno.
"Hey so and so, take this load ticket and load this guy up. He lives in Boulder City."
So and so is cute, REALLY CUTE. She's not on thorazine either. She's certainly as capable as several shuffling guys. We make fun conversation while loading up. She runs into or over a couple things and calls the forklift retarded which is cute times a hundred. Of course she has a wedding ring. So eventually it's "thanks, see you around town" & "see you later"
Paul likes to talk & has a special fondness for informing me of stuff that will irritate me. "Dude, that girl was so flirting with you."
Nope, she was just being friendly. she had a wedding ring."
"I don't care if she was wearing a wedding dress, she liked you"
"Well, it's pleasant to believe that could be the case, but it's a moot point isn't it?"
"Dude, you're a dipshit. I'll bet you a hundred dollars she's not married."
"If you find out she's not married I'll just give you a hundred dollars."
Would you wear a ring on your other person finger if you're not taken? That's rotten, but understandable I guess. Probably a load of fun for an attractive girl to spend 40 hours a week with a 95:1ratio of males to females. It's never occurred to me to pretend to be married. Mostly I just pretend to be smart. duh.
I had to go pick up some stuff at the convention center this morning, took Paul along in case we had to lift something heavy. The lady in charge is making conversation while we wait for 8:00 to arrive so the union doesn't implode or something. "Why are you picking this stuff up honey?"
"I do business with the company who had the exhibit. The guys wanted to catch an early flight home and asked me if I'd come pick their stuff up for them. I'll send it back to Oklahoma on the next truck that comes out from their factory. Just a favor."
"Where are you taking it right now?"
"Boulder City"
"You live in Boulder City?"
"Uh huh."
"So and so (I forgot the name) lives in Boulder City, I'll have her load you up."
5 minutes pass until 8:00, then another ten for the Union just in case. everyone looks like they're on thorazine. probably just Saturday morning, I dunno.
"Hey so and so, take this load ticket and load this guy up. He lives in Boulder City."
So and so is cute, REALLY CUTE. She's not on thorazine either. She's certainly as capable as several shuffling guys. We make fun conversation while loading up. She runs into or over a couple things and calls the forklift retarded which is cute times a hundred. Of course she has a wedding ring. So eventually it's "thanks, see you around town" & "see you later"
Paul likes to talk & has a special fondness for informing me of stuff that will irritate me. "Dude, that girl was so flirting with you."
Nope, she was just being friendly. she had a wedding ring."
"I don't care if she was wearing a wedding dress, she liked you"
"Well, it's pleasant to believe that could be the case, but it's a moot point isn't it?"
"Dude, you're a dipshit. I'll bet you a hundred dollars she's not married."
"If you find out she's not married I'll just give you a hundred dollars."
Would you wear a ring on your other person finger if you're not taken? That's rotten, but understandable I guess. Probably a load of fun for an attractive girl to spend 40 hours a week with a 95:1ratio of males to females. It's never occurred to me to pretend to be married. Mostly I just pretend to be smart. duh.

wait, i thought mono _was_ the "kissing disease." anyway, yeah, same symptoms as the bandmates. goddam that glass of coffee milk we all shared ("what, you've never tried coffee milk before! dude, you've got to take a sip, it's sooo good!" etc.). they say 2-4 weeks of sluggishness/bedrest, and then symtpoms can linger. you'd think i wouldn't even notice with my plate sorta full and all, but i'm noticing. the bonus? coconut popsicles, baby.

dur. i guess i've got 18 hour delay on joke reception. i blame the fucking mono!