I woke up this morning to a big improvement in the eye. If the doc would have been a little clearer on what to expect post surgery it might have saved me some worry, but no biggie. Since things today are working better than yesterday (& probably yesterday was better than the day before but not so noticable) I think I can expect them to be working a little better tomorrow & the next day as well. very good. There's still some double vision when looking around with the eyes rather than moving the head around, but the range of eye movement that nets one image is definately growing. This is kinda neat: there's some lag time for the operation eye to get where it want to be compared to the other eye. This gives a dizzying effect when walking or moving around. And as many of you know I'm partial to dizzying effects, I may go for a bicycle ride this afternoon - I assembled a 1950's bike that I got at a yardsale in Buffalo 4 years ago. I think I paid $50 for it and then another $50 to ship it home. Not a bargain by any means, but cool- it has a tank, a stylish rear rack and a long clasp padlock permanently locked to the frame that the kid must have used to lock the rear tire to the frame so someone couldn't ride it away. I cleaned & repacked all the bearings taking care to not actually clean any of the bikes exterior, it's covered in 40+ years of thick grime and surface rust, in other words it's lovely.
i'll get on the old tv thing next. by the time i'm through with the system, all televisions across the continent will have reverted to black and white.