Here's a picture of Norvin's happy face.

I still haven't messed with my new camera yet, cousin took the photo & emailed it to me. He's got a cone on to keep him from getting at his missing nuts part until that heals up. (He meaning Norvin, not my cousin) The vet says I can take it off next week. I do take it off him when I walk him or anytime I can keep a real close eye on him. I'm not sure if it's better to give him breaks or just leave it on permenantly. He really hates it going back on, who wouldn't. He got a clean bill of health, vet took some chest x-rays and said he's nearly positive the snotty nose & cough isn't distemper. He gave me some meds to give him & said if the cough isn't gone in a week to bring him back. The cone is obviously tuning in radio signals, the signals say things like "shit on rug" "chew on pillow" "hissing cat DOES want to play" etc... I mention this for amusement because it's funny, i'm not the least bit upset about any of these behaviors, he just hasn't had his learning yet, no big deal.
We've been going on walks to the park twice a day for the last couple of days. Like I have stated he doesn't know anything about proper behavior, but his disposition makes him very easy. I'm learning up on how to train, it's all mystery to me. I do understand that negativity isn't helpful, dogs want attention and that 1. positive attention is the best 2. negative attention is second best 3. being ignored is worse, I don't like it. So if he tries to hump the leg or jump up on me, i just walk away or focus my attention elsewhere.
Here's a little bit of Boulder City Controversial Dog Trivia. and here's the only known picture of the much loved mutt:

Once at a yard sale I purchesed a little figurine of a black lab with "Nig" written on the bottom in red wax pencil. It was an estate sale for a recently deceased elderly lady, according to the relatives holding the sale. I mentioned about the dam dog, as I was curious if they used to sell these figurines in the gift shop. They hadn't heard of the dog, but mentioned that her husband was a dam builder. I told them I wouldn't be the least bit upset if they didn't want to sell the figurine after learning of the historic dog and the deceased gentleman's likely affection for it (We came to assume he had written "Nig" on it.) They said they'd like for me to have it & gave it to me. This became by far my favorite yard sale trinket. Here's the shitty bit: It ended up in the washer somehow and got broken up.
Edit to add my own little rant: Despite the two more common names history has given the dog since the plaque controversy, his name was niether Niggy nor was it Nigger. It was simply "nig" and yes, it is understood that the name was a take off of nigger. It would be nice to both have the dog's name on the plaque and also something simple and pointed about the fact that there was a long time in our history where racism was a completely accepted norm, and if you think history should be changed or deleted so we don't have to think or talk about it, perhaps you could just isolate yourself from history instead of pursuing a lawsuit to try to isolate everybody from history.

I still haven't messed with my new camera yet, cousin took the photo & emailed it to me. He's got a cone on to keep him from getting at his missing nuts part until that heals up. (He meaning Norvin, not my cousin) The vet says I can take it off next week. I do take it off him when I walk him or anytime I can keep a real close eye on him. I'm not sure if it's better to give him breaks or just leave it on permenantly. He really hates it going back on, who wouldn't. He got a clean bill of health, vet took some chest x-rays and said he's nearly positive the snotty nose & cough isn't distemper. He gave me some meds to give him & said if the cough isn't gone in a week to bring him back. The cone is obviously tuning in radio signals, the signals say things like "shit on rug" "chew on pillow" "hissing cat DOES want to play" etc... I mention this for amusement because it's funny, i'm not the least bit upset about any of these behaviors, he just hasn't had his learning yet, no big deal.
We've been going on walks to the park twice a day for the last couple of days. Like I have stated he doesn't know anything about proper behavior, but his disposition makes him very easy. I'm learning up on how to train, it's all mystery to me. I do understand that negativity isn't helpful, dogs want attention and that 1. positive attention is the best 2. negative attention is second best 3. being ignored is worse, I don't like it. So if he tries to hump the leg or jump up on me, i just walk away or focus my attention elsewhere.
Here's a little bit of Boulder City Controversial Dog Trivia. and here's the only known picture of the much loved mutt:

Once at a yard sale I purchesed a little figurine of a black lab with "Nig" written on the bottom in red wax pencil. It was an estate sale for a recently deceased elderly lady, according to the relatives holding the sale. I mentioned about the dam dog, as I was curious if they used to sell these figurines in the gift shop. They hadn't heard of the dog, but mentioned that her husband was a dam builder. I told them I wouldn't be the least bit upset if they didn't want to sell the figurine after learning of the historic dog and the deceased gentleman's likely affection for it (We came to assume he had written "Nig" on it.) They said they'd like for me to have it & gave it to me. This became by far my favorite yard sale trinket. Here's the shitty bit: It ended up in the washer somehow and got broken up.

Edit to add my own little rant: Despite the two more common names history has given the dog since the plaque controversy, his name was niether Niggy nor was it Nigger. It was simply "nig" and yes, it is understood that the name was a take off of nigger. It would be nice to both have the dog's name on the plaque and also something simple and pointed about the fact that there was a long time in our history where racism was a completely accepted norm, and if you think history should be changed or deleted so we don't have to think or talk about it, perhaps you could just isolate yourself from history instead of pursuing a lawsuit to try to isolate everybody from history.
What are you talking about? I thought that was your face! Anyway, I don't have Photoshop, I used which is an online editing program.
Is that buckethead off yet, huh, huh, huh? A dog's gotta lick his weiner, you know.