CO was great as ever, the snow was good, weather warm. I cut the snowboarding short to visit the niece for a day after all, and I'm glad I did. I got to drive a tractor & do some real earth-type work for the first time in 20 years, only had time for two hours worth though. It's funny that we can be nostalgic for stuff we absolutely hated at the time, isn't it? Want to hear something funny? I camped out in my house with a lantern last night because I spaced the power bill, the late notice and the shut-off notice. Well, the shut-off notice arrived wednesday, and when I saw it I was pretty certain I'd dropped off a check the day before. I was packing to leave and made a mental note to double check the check book before I split, but I forgot. Sure enough, when I got home from the airport Tuesday evening there were no electricities left anywhere in the home. Good thing my fridge is batchelor style, I guess I can toss the bottle of ketchup now.
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How often do you get back to visit Farmfuck, OH?
I remember when I had to come back to my dad's place after I got out of music school. I was stranded in Lubbock for several days until the ice melted a little, then I got stuck in Amarillo for a couple days, and when I finally rolled in to my dad's place in Oklahoma in the middle of the night, I found the power out because the power lines were down. I got into bed fully clothed, snuggled under the blankets with my cat.
Glad you made it back safe & sound!