I'm a bit sad. I just got done working at Overton Beach Marina for the last time. If any other marina on the lake were closing down it wouldn't bother me nearly as much. Over the last ten or so years the owner, management & employees put everything they had into making it the best marina on the lake. Rebuilt the place from scratch, everything new, everything the best available. If any other marina on the lake had to close I wouldn't care nearly as much. All the others (aside from one) are owned by companies that operate lots of resorts. Overton was smaller than the rest & really like a family. Now, I really don't know all the details, but I can't believe that there couldn't be some solution. I guarantee whatever the cost of relocating to a site with deeper water would have been, the owner would have done it. I really want to go into one of my Capitalist Pig Rants, but I'll spare you. Well, I'll let YOU spare you if you wish:
More Blogs
Thursday Sep 03, 2009
nothing much new. I can't wait for summer to be over, it's cooled do… -
Tuesday Aug 18, 2009
No work to speak of so I've been riding the new mountain bike a ton l… -
Saturday Aug 01, 2009
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Tuesday Jul 07, 2009
This gave me a kick today - I usually listen to Little Steven's Un… -
Saturday Jul 04, 2009
Crazy violent hailstorm yesterday. 100+ degrees out and there's froz… -
Monday Jun 22, 2009
Today I got a break from thinking about my own recent drama, although… -
Saturday Jun 20, 2009
Just a quick update - I'm getting back on track pretty quickly & … -
Tuesday Jun 16, 2009
Not doing so hot. 3 months ago I broke my collar bone. Didn't bot… -
Friday Jun 12, 2009
I'm kinda here but not really. check back in a year or so and maybe … -
Saturday Feb 14, 2009
I seem to be pretty much done with posting here so I probably won't r…