There's a local neighborhood most of us know as Scotland. If you live in the neighborhood you call it by its name "Highland Park", it is the ghetto. To obtain a washer, it was necessary for me to drive into Scotland. There is only one way out of Scotland, the way you drove in. Naturally im wary of any neighborhood engineered to be a death trap. Anyway, i get to my buddys house where he has stolen a washer for me, he's posted up on his front porch sitting on the washer. While bullshiting with him, his neighbor comes out, a large women in colorful clothes; she begins to approach me. With a cigarette in my mouth she holds out her hand like a southern bell and waits for me to take it. She asks "MMMMMM what's your name baby?". I take her hand and say "Ben" she replies, "MMMMMMM Gentle Ben, what you smokin' on?" I look in my front pocket and tell her im smoking Camels. Looking back at me with bedroom eyes she says "MMM baby, that shit will kill you. By the way, you can call me Big Mama" She lights up a joint and blows thick rough smoke toward me. I told her it was nice to meet her and she says "MMM you bet suga" As she turns away and her left hip throws to the side and her large ass jaunts away confidently, i could swear i heard thunder...and a little part of me died.
you're cute.
hahahahahahahaha that was the best laugh i've had all day. Sorry to enjoy your suffering so much