Greetings and salutations, Just checking SG and watching The Alternative on VH1. I can't get enough. I'm a geek cause I have to record it every week. Right now it's New Order- Blue Monday. Well I'm jus killing time before work. Having my coffee and toast. Crumbs on the keyboard. Yes yes yes Close to me (Cure) I'm jus rambling. This is what happens in my head. Well thats enough for now. I'll try to log in at work. Don't tell the IT police........Cheers

I like the way your head works, only the Greetings and Salutations part is mine!!!! ALL MINE!!!! oh... I guess I can share. I'll take one, one, one cuz you left me and two, two, two for my family and three...... Yup. Happy 420!
3 3 3 for my heartache, 4 4 4 for my headache, 5 5 5 for lonley and 6 6 6 for my sorrow and 7 7 for no tomorrow and 8 I forget what 8 was for and 9 9 9 for the lost god and 10 10 10 10 for everything everything everything...... Sorry I had to finish it. Happy 420 to you tooo!!! Cheers luv