I finally got a picture. It sucks but what the fuck. Well that's all folks...........
Yup, you definitely look the part of "hit man." On the other hand, I'm singing the Picture Pages song... you know the one with Bill Cosby from when we were little? Picture pages, picture pages, lots of fun with picture pages, lots of fun with crayons and with pencils.... Only I never had the Picture Pages book so I couldn't play along. :o( But the song is still fun. You have a little Nick Cage thing going on, you know? I'm smiling - it's nice to finally see you!
It's really not a good photo, but thank you for the compliment. I'm now having a better start to my day. Do like drawring with crayons? I do sometimes, makes me feel like a kid again. Exceopt the whole eating part. Damn I'm trying to remember the picture pages song.. Hmmm.. Anyways, as for the Nick Cage thing, thank you I never heard that one. It's probably the pic. Damn you made my day.. Thanx, Hope to see more writings... Cheers luv...