crap....so after typing for a half hour, stupid hotel connection wipes everything out. Fuck it....maybe type it again tomorrow.
Its been a good start to the job so far. I've been able to sleep in in the mornings (love when I can work at night or at least afternoons). Yeah I'm sure the mornings will come but for now, I'll take what I can.

I've got this nice 200 ft giant erector set I get to play around on all day. And I've got...
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An evening in the rain in Tampa. 200 ft up at dusk with the wind blowing. Up there by myself doing a job I love. Standing on the track just a few feet from a near vertical drop that towers over everything else around. Gotta love moments like that.
Okie, so yeah have been a bit pissed off my last few entries. Lets face it, damn situation has sucked. But generally for the most part, things have been going well (boring my ass....still bitter).

I got the random choice of do I want to go to Italy next week or not. It was tempting but unfortuntely my laptop I would need is out of...
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Goddamn, its a banner day when you're told you're boring. Well bloody fucking hell, I'm not a fucking three ring circus.

Been cleaning up messes left by the life of the party types with friends for more years than I can count. I build fucking roller-coasters for a living, I travel to different countries, I'm open to anything. I'm not the loudest person in the...
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yipes, i haven't been posting much but from the looks of your journal drama i'd say you're quite interesting. biggrin
Well things WERE good.


such is. Tired of taking crap. I am who I am and that is fucking good enough.
Things are good.....I think. V-day actually went kickass and life in general has been good. Anne has been telling me how much she would miss me while I'm at Wildwood for work for a few days. She also mentioned about missing us a lot lately too. But I still am not getting any real answers.

Some days I feel like I work with idiots. And...
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Calmer from the other night. Lets face it, things are probably going as well as I could hope for. Now I just have the landmine that is V-day coming up. Don't get me wrong...I've actually been shown a positive side of this holiday. BUT of course this is after I said a few things about it in the past and missed a hint or 20...
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Grrrrr, am angry at the moment. Can't sleep so instead am doing my usual getting myself worked up. Nights like tonight I begin to wonder if it'll ever be my turn. I'm getting tired of taking people to dinner but never being taken out myself. God, fucking fast food would be fine. Also getting tired of feeling like everyone else's lives take precedence.

I asked...
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Well currently I may be about the only person in the hotel I'm staying at. Its 50s and 60s themed....interesting to say the least.

Things are going well with Anne. At least I think so...seems like it but I have no idea what is going on in her head. Outside of that I try to not assume too much. I still hate the situation and...
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