Right now it would be nice to sit down and just veg in front of the TV with game controller in hand for hours on end, but I'm stuck with a major work dilemma. Throw on top of that its travelling time and I think I'll be saying goodbye to games for a while. I was happy to hear though of an expansion already coming...
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Wow! I have a new friend. Actually I should get off my antisocial ass and actually post more on here. I really don't have a good excuse since I like talking to new people besides my pure and unadulterated laziness. Okie, so I need to make it a point to actually post more.

Shouldn't be a problem actually since my travel season is about to...
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So yeah its been a while. There's so much I could write about but I'll save past events for future moments of boredom. In particular though I should write something out about Beijing as that was a serious life experience. So where am I at now then?

Well I love my job....maybe more than ever as I take the time to really realize where my...
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How the hell did I find myself in California tonight? I was in Atlanta this afternoon.
You got on a plane. You flew to California. You got off the plane.

That's usually how it happens.

Though it's possible you entered some rift in the space time continuum. One once side of the palm tree it was the land of the bad road planning folks. Then NEWWFFRFFFMP!! You find yourself suddenly standing in the midst of Californians. Though that occurence is much rarer.
I should be asleep. I should have been asleep. But porn called....what can you do?
If you flex your calves, you can half the time it takes to find your relief.
Well its been a while but its time to put an actual entry in here again. Lift has changed quite a bit since my last entry with the biggest change being ANNE AND I ARE TOGETHER!!!!!

I was pissed about feeling like I needed to walk away from writing here for a while, but I got frustrated. So what, I can't feel seriously passionate about...
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Oooo! Tell me more about this tall soy black and white mocha!
Naw! I'm just jankin' yer ass.

Good to see you back here. I could definitely use a tour guide on occasion.
awww fuck it all....fucking type for 40 minutes and then hit a back button and see it all disappear. Maybe tomorrow
Dammit, I need to stay away from saying stupid shit like things seem like they are going well. Pluh, I finally got a serious night of sleep and so far have spent the day feeling more worn down than usual. Yeah I know me and I know its my body actually healing itself but it sucks. Its one of those days when you wish you...
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ohhhhhhhhhhh...well, what sorts of other things?

you had me thinking that you were solely devoted to obsessing your life away.

The shitlicker is smoking up in a MickyD's freezer now. Lord knows who's paying for his tuition to pay off all that he owes to Toledo AND his goddamn better-than-everything-else-in-the-world car. I doubt he's pimping himself. I dare say he'd likely not understand the simple mechanics of spending money for anything but his own selfish gain.
Ok get this, things are actually going well. Might actually start seeing happy posts from me at some point. At the least I love my new car smile . About the only bad point at the moment is I am sick as a dog....so sleep time.
I know this would be better as a response in another's journal but its one to write here for various reasons too.

Of course I read my journal. Its a place to bitch when something is bothering me but it also holds answers. I read what I have written from time to time and question where I am and what I'm doing. Sure there are...
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Nice choice of car and color for that matter. wink

I did end up going to the concert but didn't have quite the fun I would have had I gone with someone who enjoyed hte music as much as I did. Oh well.

I hope it didn't seem like I was coming down on you in my comment to you. I truly believe you love her and that love exists between you both. I just got out of a 6 year relationship in May and know how difficult change can be. The ups and downs. I think you are amazing for thinking of her happiness first but in the end, you have to think of you or the resentment will eat you alive. I know I know nothing. I just wish you the best and could feel the pain when you spoke of it. It's a long time to be in pain. Life's short.

Find a way to be happy, we are all responsible for our own happiness and the task is daunting at times.

Hi there. Well I don't usually root around on SG looking for potiential clients! Besides, you already have a great car! I try to enjoy the anon. aspect here, most of the time.

My ex followed me on last year and has been lurking ever since. I changed from WTF to my current name in an attempt to hide and think, post and rant freey to no avail. I even tried to befriend him. I didn't think it was fair he could come here and read what I was thinking and feeling and then clam up when I wanted to talk in the real world. The messed up thing is I believe once you really love someone, you always will to some extent.

If someone says of an ex, "I don't care if they live or die" that's usually a case that they are not over the other person. There's still some passion there. The whole thin line between love and hate. I wish nothing but the best for my ex.

Going back into the dating pool after 6 years is daunting. Especially after shutting down inside to survive and make the changes I needed to make to move on. Sometimes I look back to the last year and don't recognize myself. Which in a way is a good thing. I'm happier now. Unsure of the path at times, but it's my path to make and take.