The hirvimukki (is that spelled right? I forget the Finnish words sometimes) makes the coffee go down quicker, but in smaller doses, so I consider it safe enough to take one cupful every few days or so.
I'd kicked coffee out of the diet for as long as a week and half, but stress and the need for something to make the day pass quicker push me back to it. Caffeine gives me the urgency artificially, through the heightened pulse and pressure and the pretense of need.
I'd kicked coffee out of the diet for as long as a week and half, but stress and the need for something to make the day pass quicker push me back to it. Caffeine gives me the urgency artificially, through the heightened pulse and pressure and the pretense of need.
i can't drink it, the stuff makes me so sick.... diet coke, however; is an entirely different monster. can't kick that habit. oh well.