ennui \on-WEE; ON-wee\, noun:
A feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction; dullness and languor of spirits, arising from lack of interest; boredom.

Is that a real word? Interesting...
I believe it was the Decadent poets who coined that term, wasn't it?
"If I don't have sex by the end of the week I'm going to die. If I don't feel a pair of soft lips on my own I'm gonna hang my head and cry. If I don't feel a warm breath on the nape of my neck or hear a nice post-coital sigh.

Oh c'mon baby
you can tell the cops why."

Dismemberment Plan -...
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Hey stud. Sorry I didn't make the Big L the other night, but yeah...I'll be there tomorrow. I'm thinking...

"I come home, in the morning light, my mother says when you gonna live your life right. Oh mama dear...you know that girls, hey wanna have fu-un. Oh, girls just wanna have fun."
you know i totally flaked on your generous offer on the manuals -- i appreciate the offer but pleasde dont go through the trouble. im busy aqs hell as it is and may not have time in the near future to put into this anyway. thanks again tho!
So I'm in Auburn visting Mom and well y'know can't sleep (see occupation under profile). So I'm in Auburn and well what do you do at almost 2 in the morning here? You update your journal on SG because, well, I like to go walking or driving late at night when I can't sleep. Driving is not an option while I am here and quite...
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You stud, you!!! Go get her, tiger!!

*Cues "Eye of the Tiger" from the 'Rocky' soundtrack*

biggrin miao!!
You're one of 6 people trying to work for 4 spots in my car smile

So yes, Im going down, but Im full in any case.

We're leaving thursday night sometime, not sure exactly.
If this weekend is any indication of what summer is going to be like this year then I must say I am so looking forward to it. Two BBQs on Saturday. The SGSeattle BBQ rocked . I wish I could have stayed later frown Went on a hike today at Rattlesnake mountain. Hikers/Backpackers, anyone? Now I am off to another BBQ tonight. . Spent some time...
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Thanks for the hugs. I need them. I swear, I've been an emotional rollercoaster these past few weeks...I've been thinking a lot about my dad, lately. It's just hard...have a good night.
I wasn't going crazy! There is no fantasy in my profile. For a second there, I thought MrSatan was right. biggrin
I am such a chickenshit. I have been hanging out with someone this week who I just recently met and have developed a crush on her. She is moving to San Francisco tomorrow. Tonight is her last night in town and we have seen each other 3 times in the last six days. Some of her friends and I are having a suprise going away...
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Good luck with that, hun. Sounds like you've got quite a predicament...hehe...well, I'm sorry, but I'm leaving SG. frown I know we just met and all, but I can't stay on for personal reasons. So, if you, or any of the SG Seattle gang want to hang out sometime, you can IM me, or whatever. I'm not sure if I'm going to the Karaoke thing on Tuesday...maybe...but anyway...I'll miss ya!!

Kisses kiss
aww i know! i wish i had gotten more pics of you frown oh well, theres always next time!
I am such a chickenshit. I have been hanging out with someone this week who I just recently met and have developed a crush on her. She is moving to San Francisco tomorrow. Tonight is her last night in town and we have seen each other 3 times in the last six days. Some of her friends and I are having a suprise going away...
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dont worry, i do stuff like that too.

PS - i can play ob-la-di-ob-la-da on the piano wink
Just got back from hanging out with the SGSeattle folks. A lot of cool people livin' around these parts. I have friends to add now, joy. Say feller could I have another one of them Sasparilla. smile
music is your life too!? we shall be good friends. My friend Brian (aka vacuumchild likes some of the music you like too, you guys should be friends smile
Hey, um, thanks for spilling beer on my ass. biggrin Just kidding...I was trashed and ran into you. My fault. But you're cool. Maybe we'll talk when I'm sober.
Melt-Banana & Fantomas... what a show. If they are heading to your town it is definitely worth your time and hard earned dollars to see these amazing bands. Had a weird Twin Peaks experience at the QFC this evening on my way home. The guy is ringing up my groceries and the woman in line behind me looks at the two things I'm buying (potato...
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re: fugazi.

i have nothing for trade really, i mean, i have couch space, but im guessing you want music stuff...and there i have none. i do want that shit though. do you have any way to get the VHS to digital? i have a video card i could send you if you wanted. brand new, unopened. you could digitize all of your vhs tapes. i would think thats worth something....

(the vid card isnt compatible with my 1998 IBM computer, so i can't use it. but if you have any kinda computer made after 1997 that isnt an IBM, im sure you could use it and burn accordingly...)

Actually, we meet down at McCoy's Firehouse in Pioneer Square lately, on Tuesday nights. Come on down and say howdy- just look for the big drunk guy singing. That'll probably be me.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Finally got around to seeing it. I was supposed to go to a screening w/ Kaufman and Gondry in attendance but sadly missed it. After just recently breaking up with somebody this movie was very poignant. Sometimes I wish I could have memories erased from the past and be able to start over w/ the same person again as...
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Leaving very soon for SF, Vegas and LA. Hoping for adventure. Hoping to meet some cool folks. I have been feeling a little sick today so hopefully that disappears by Saturday. If anyone happens to read this journal who lives in any of these areas and knows of cool local spots to see let me know. I had a thread a little while back about...
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Posies @ Neumos, Latin Music Ensemble performance and finalizing the sale of things I no longer need so I can go on vacation. Today was a good day. For those who live in Seattle or are coming through to visit I would highly recommend the new Neumos club. Tonight was the opening night w/ The Posies. Its a nice sized club with good sound and...
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I am dipping my toe into the waters of the SuicideGirls community. I have been exploring the site for a while and mainly keeping my mouth shut and watching things play out. Now, however, I believe it is time to join the fray. The other reason I am doing this is I am taking a much needed, deserved long overdue vacation and I am...
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Hey, saw you posting and just wanted to say "Hi" and "Welcome"
Have fun even... and yeah, a journal is a good first step, otherwise people may just assume you are some creep/lurker.
Also, when replying to something somebody said in your journal it's usually a good idea to do so in that person's journal rather than your own..it may not get seen if you dont.
So, yeah. Welcome. smile

[Edited on Feb 24, 2004 12:52AM]