tried and nothing else!
I wanted to go to a track this summer, but school work is eating ALL my free time. I have to settle for occasional moments of road madness, a bit of parking lot fun, and some highway flat-outs. I think I'll need at least another summer before I can try a litre bike, especially on one wheel. Did you see the new 1000rr stats? Holy crap!
yes, i'm just going further east, but still in LA
surreal surreal

Yea, boss's are dumb.

Yep, I am a nativish oregonian.

I was born in wyoming but moved before I learned to talk so I count Oregon as my home state.

It's beautiful here. I live in a lush Valley with some great hiking spots nearby.

What's your hometown like?
i've definetly been slacking off on my SG journal, but wtf there is snow on the ground. i'm going snowboarding like 3 times a week. last week i went on wed., fri, and so far this week i went on yesterday, and i am going to go tomorrow. i love this season pass shit. all i need is 10 bucks and i am good for...
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I just realized something funny, here I am sitting here the past two days in the same position as my lame ass profile pic. Damn! I need to get a life! Oh well, only 1 more night of work this week, maybe I'll skip sleeping tomorrow and go snowboarding?? hmmm... that actuall sounds like a good idea. . . . confused
cute pose though hehehe wink
hehe naa it's only cuz of the mohawk... i sit in your pose all the time!
working nights this week frown . . .

one good thing is that i will be on SG all the friggin time.

BTW Merry X-Mas (not that anyone but me reads my journal)
Finally got a pick for the site. What a pain in the ass. EXACTLY 235x175 pixels, i mean come on. Write a program to crop the pic. Fuck coding a program, download one for nothing.
-i'm still shot out from the weekend, too much worky. Enough bitching . . . time to do laundry. My fav. o_0
Hey, so what year is that M Coupe?
'99, I am looking for an '02, Mine is in imola red b/c it was the only one that could find.
oh yeah, i have to work on a pic. haven't slept in a few days, i think i'll wait till the bags under my eyes shrink to a size smaller than a Lipton Brisk bag.
f%#^ing snow and Mountain Creek is closed ... WTF? Those fuckers better open tomorrow. I got the itch.

I have been working too much i think. So far since Saturday I have worked 29 hours. I think my boss hates me b/c i am beautiful hehe.
oh yeah, i have to work on a pic. haven't slept in a few days, i think i'll wait till the bags under my eyes shrink a bit.