sitting here listening to iTunes radio, i thought WTF why not log on to SG, haven't done that in a while. not sure if i like the new "tiles" that they use for sets but whatever. only seems like subtle things have changed on this site (p.s. it took me five minutes to figure out how to spell suttle, sutle, oh yeah subtle, duh!). i have also noticed that i have lost most of my friends
i mean i still like the ones i have but a bunch of them have left or just cut me off, guess it is my fault for not keeping up to date.
anyway i have finally moved into my permanent flat here in london so all of you SG'ers can come over and watch me get drunk
if i gain nothing else from this move it will be humility and humbleness. for the past week i have been w/o hot water and it SUCKS!! OMG!! i froze my balls off every day this week. i would take most of the day to get warm again. cold showers, i mean really really cold showers are the worst. how could anyone survive like that? i mean my flat is like 20 degrees celcius so that is pretty warm but when i get out i feel like shit is going to fall off on a man. today was the first day that it was working again, thx god, i don't think i could have lasted, i have clothes and a shower here at work i was going to start using, but then i would be that guy, you know the weird one that showers in the office. we have all heard stories of a guy that probably doesn't have any place to live so he stays at the office all of the time. he showers there, he leaves his shit everywhere, socks in the kitchen, razor on my desk. weird stuff. i can't become that guy.
i think this has broken the myke longest post record, i may be wrong but i think it has won the longest post award for me. as for quality, we aren't hosting those awards today. i could probably get an award for randomness too, any takers? since it is such a small award who knows, i may win by default.
ok random over

anyway i have finally moved into my permanent flat here in london so all of you SG'ers can come over and watch me get drunk

if i gain nothing else from this move it will be humility and humbleness. for the past week i have been w/o hot water and it SUCKS!! OMG!! i froze my balls off every day this week. i would take most of the day to get warm again. cold showers, i mean really really cold showers are the worst. how could anyone survive like that? i mean my flat is like 20 degrees celcius so that is pretty warm but when i get out i feel like shit is going to fall off on a man. today was the first day that it was working again, thx god, i don't think i could have lasted, i have clothes and a shower here at work i was going to start using, but then i would be that guy, you know the weird one that showers in the office. we have all heard stories of a guy that probably doesn't have any place to live so he stays at the office all of the time. he showers there, he leaves his shit everywhere, socks in the kitchen, razor on my desk. weird stuff. i can't become that guy.
i think this has broken the myke longest post record, i may be wrong but i think it has won the longest post award for me. as for quality, we aren't hosting those awards today. i could probably get an award for randomness too, any takers? since it is such a small award who knows, i may win by default.
ok random over
I am great. It is good to see that you are all moved in and the hot water is finally working. So how is work? Did you bring your girl with you to London? My birthday was great, I celebrated for like 3 weeks, it was awesome. But now I have to start thinking about my bf's birthday, it is next wednseday. Have you hung out at any cool pubs yet? I know some people from London and they say the Indian food there is great. I love Indian food. Well enjoy your time there. I can't wait until I get to visit Europe.
Have a good week