i've been kind of avoiding this site out of protest. I'm going to spend the next few hour determining if certain people are speaking truthfully about this place. I have to say this with the assumption that people are actually going to read by post here. i know that i am not very active here anymore so this may go unnoticed.
if you are looking...
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if you are looking...
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WTF is going on with SG???!?!?!!? I posted some things to the boards but they aren't in my comments. I think there is a bit of censoring going on.
A bit of censoring, ha..! More than a bit, I'd say.
what a slacker i am. well i just got back from Amsterdam, what an amazing city. I couldn't believe how much graffiti everywhere. i took like 300 photos with my new camera. if anyone is interested please let me know and i will tell you how. i'm amazed how popular this site has become, i see it everywhere now. i was on iFilm dot com...
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wow it has been a while. I'm going to the US for a bit of Holiday on the 24th of June. It will be the first time that I haven't seen any of my friends/family for so long. It will be 8 months! Damn! I have to say thank (whoever) for IM otherwise I wouldn't talk to anyone from the US. I guess I can't...
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Hello. Hope things are going great and I hope you enjoy your trip back to the states.
Someone needs to update.
Not naming names or anything, but you know.
Not naming names or anything, but you know.
off today which is nice, i think i am going to go to the kitchen store in Bayswater. i need a non-stick omlette pan. i haven't told you yet but i love Sainsbury's home delivery, except when they come an hour early and i am still in bed. oh well i got the guy back my breath was probably kicking. hehe that'll show him.
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How are you adapting? Work, friends? Thank you for noticing I was gone. I had a crappy week, read my journal. Hope things are better for you.
still away. hope you are still alive.

does anyone have a lung i can borrow, mine don't seem to be working well the past few days. buku coughing fits and what not . . . oh well, i'll get over it. what is new people? i just hopped around to my friends journals but it seems that they have been updating as often as i am. guess that is due to my...
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How quickly we forget -- when you ride you walk across the Williamsburg Bridge into Manhattan the pedestrian side is on the left.
On this side of the ocean, we've been blessed with a few days of happy sunshine though not enough to melt away the icy road surroundings which keep the biker people inside. A week or two and the bike will be good to go again. Are the break and the clutch reversed on British bikes?
Good to hear you're riding again.
Good to hear you're riding again.
sitting here listening to iTunes radio, i thought WTF why not log on to SG, haven't done that in a while. not sure if i like the new "tiles" that they use for sets but whatever. only seems like subtle things have changed on this site (p.s. it took me five minutes to figure out how to spell suttle, sutle, oh yeah subtle, duh!). i...
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WOW! I thought you had fallen of the face of the planet.
I am great. It is good to see that you are all moved in and the hot water is finally working. So how is work? Did you bring your girl with you to London? My birthday was great, I celebrated for like 3 weeks, it was awesome. But now I have to start thinking about my bf's birthday, it is next wednseday. Have you hung out at any cool pubs yet? I know some people from London and they say the Indian food there is great. I love Indian food. Well enjoy your time there. I can't wait until I get to visit Europe.
Have a good week
I am great. It is good to see that you are all moved in and the hot water is finally working. So how is work? Did you bring your girl with you to London? My birthday was great, I celebrated for like 3 weeks, it was awesome. But now I have to start thinking about my bf's birthday, it is next wednseday. Have you hung out at any cool pubs yet? I know some people from London and they say the Indian food there is great. I love Indian food. Well enjoy your time there. I can't wait until I get to visit Europe.

Have a good week
hmmm Nov.4 damn that was years ago. Let's see, I moved to London, i'm in NW1 for all of you locals. I haven't really gone out on my own much. I guess now I have to join the SG London group.
If anyone in London wants to chill just email me and i'll give you my mobile.
How was your new year's? mine was pretty...
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If anyone in London wants to chill just email me and i'll give you my mobile.
How was your new year's? mine was pretty...
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sprechen Sie Deutsches?
parlez-vous franais?
usted habla espaol?
voc fala o portugus?
parlate italiano?
No? well me either but while living in Europe I plan to learn. All of them! Bush is back in, and I'm out! Good luck fuckers!
parlez-vous franais?
usted habla espaol?
voc fala o portugus?
parlate italiano?
No? well me either but while living in Europe I plan to learn. All of them! Bush is back in, and I'm out! Good luck fuckers!
Happy Birthday. 

Not yet. It's this coming Saturday.
Wish I could say more about life but, for now, same old, same old. Back to work.
Wish I could say more about life but, for now, same old, same old. Back to work.
blah blah blah blah, i had a party at my house on saturday, it went well, though someone i thought was my friend didn't show up. i am kind of pissed b/c this is now the third time he has dissed me. i don't think i will be inviting him anywhere anytime soon. this is a person that usually frowns at shadyness, oh well i...
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No, no
! I hope you feel better soon.