Victory !!!!
Last year British Gas saw fit to present me with an electricity bill for over 2,700 +/- !!!
After a year of letters, phone calls, getting the (20% overeading) meter replaced and the eventual threat
of going to the press (specifically The Guardians G2 Consumer Affairs editor) I got the final bill today for....
Given that the bill went as high as 4,900 +/- at one point I'm pleased that I was able to get the bill down
this low. I'd swear that at one point they were pulling figure out of a hat and I'd hazard a guess that some
people at BG didn't pass their maths exams.
What happens to the elderly and vulnerable in this situation doesn't bear thinking about and on the few
occasions that I have, my blood fairly boils.
Still nightmare over and the bill is now paid. One less thing to worry about.